Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Evening all! Can't get to my computer at the moment so I am just checking in from my phone. Been in brum for 2 days now straight back to finish the painting. Mr taz and I have decided conclusively that we won't be going away as planned this weekend so we too shall be looking for wedding avoidance! Only one more day then another long weekend!
Wedding avoidance it is then Taz x
Morning all! I am off to Southampton this morning to catch up with Wannabslim. Early start but it will be good to catch up. Pay day today, extremely depressing! I didn't get enough overtime in last month :( will have to pack it in when I go back next week, it's been a bit difficult with having to take days off to sort this place out. I might ask for work on Sunday, start as I mean to go on! Roll on July, I can't wait for a decent break!!!
So glad you've got it all under way now Taz and I hope its all plain sailing from here. Enjoy Southampton - its been a busy few days travelling for you x
It has Gem and I'm trying to work out if I can get just a little more travelling in! It's not quite all plain sailing here, it's a lot of hard work and the worst is yet to come. This time next week we should be straight again. So much for a holiday, this week has been work, work, work
Poor you - I really wish you'd been able to get your planned break this weekend x
Just couldn't justify the expense Gem. This place has completely drained us in the last few months in every way possible and we won't be finished til next week. We will probably jsut end up doing stuff here all weekend :(
Morning Taz love, do you get free train travel? I'd love that, I do max out my bus pass :D
Yes I do jim, I'd be lost without it! I have a vague idea where my laptop charger is but I can't get to it at the moment. The place is really doing my head in at the moment, its just not liveable. Think I might take to sleeping in the park
ah well, it's always a mess when things like this are going on Taz
Mess isn't the word jim! I'm really starting to resent it all, just realised I won't have another weekend off for a long while and my whole time off has been messed up with this. My next leave is in july, peak time so unlikely to get away then either! Sucks big time.

I won't be updating for a while, have a great bank holiday everyone x
Hi Taz, Just had a look thro' all your photos and first of all must say that lovely hair, - have always wanted long hair and yours looked soo beautiful. Guess you have had it all cut short now?
And the wedding dress was georgous as well ...

Haven't managed to find out why you are in a mess at the mo' am guessing a move? Anyway hope things soon get sorted as it's awful being upside down,
Have a good W/e ....:)
You've had a real tough time of it haven't you Taz. Don't be away too long x