Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Oooo... lucky you - those sofas will be worn out x
There is still so much to do here Gem and if I am going to have 3 days off I will have to do something productive!
That's a very good point but I'm sure the sofas will be calling you x
I'm chasing you round the diaries Nomad!

Good morning Taz - Happy Monday x
Morning Taz :)
Afternoon all! Have spoken to the insuance company again today and the final payment has been made and the claim is officially closed. So I then spoke to the recovery team who have the job of getting the money back from his side. Only when they have done that can we get our excess back so it's important to us. Well it turns out the first step is to write to him and.... you guessed it, he's not responded! I told them if anything relies on his communication then we will be waiting for a very long time! She told me that he only has 14 days to respond then they will send out investigators to deal with it. The saga continues.......

In other news, looking good for WI at Fat Farm tomorrow as long as the scales don't jump around between now and then!!!
So the saga is finally drawing to a close Taz, thank god for that
So glad you're soon gonna get this whole mess behind you Taz - you SO deserve it. Good news about the poundage too x
It is looking good for tonight, as long as I don't have a pig out between now and then!
Morning Taz love, day off today?