Taz's diary - Need to do this!

I think she's fallen asleep on her sofa x
Seeing a you asked so nicely...


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Morning, I am working all weekend so no rest (or work here) for me! We still have a lot to do here, cleaning up the aftermath of the redecoration. We took the roll of the carpet off-cut back to Allied yesterday and they are making it into a runner and 2 mats for us. We can collect them Wednesday after next :D
Morning Taz, the sofas look lovely. I'll have to pay a visit soon to test them out. That's good news about the carpet off cuts.

Hope work isn't too bad xx
......and they are as comfortable as they look - you just sink in.

Have a good weekend - even though you're working x
I may have been Nomad! We have a tidy workable kitchen now too!!!

I am going out for the day with my dad next month, we are going on a steam train ride to Shrewsbury. It's somewhere I've never been before and not a route I work so it will be great. I like steam trains, not in a spotting type way, but they are nice. I'm really looking forward to it
I was thinking that was probably the case! That would have been some years ago. We went to Tropiquaria.
Ahhhhh you guys are so sweet! I have to go to work soon so you can both go back to bed then!
Yeah it was some years ago now, probably with playscheme

I was thinking that was probably the case! That would have been some years ago. We went to Tropiquaria.

Yes, I remember that trip - it was the one where a couple of us went in my car at the last minute and followed the coach from venue to venue, then broke down on the motorway on the way home. We made the best of the experience and it was really funny - the emergency services phoned OH to rescue us and kept stopping to talk to us as we waited. Taz - I think you were in the car too.

That was also the day the really friendly but greedy pot-bellied pig broke into the picnic area and set the kids screaming. My son had to pick it up and carry it out, then the pig got really attached to him and didn't want him to go.

Glad you're able to go on the railway trip - that's really good news ;) x

We did have some fun didn't we x
Evening all. Well it was an easy enough day at work today. Got one of my favourite jobs tomorrow then 3 days off :D not by choice, I wanted to work at least one of those days, but if there's no work available what's a Taz supposed to do??