Morning all! Gem, only if your trousers are clean can you sit on our sofas!!! And I found out yesterday when we saw our new dining table and chairs for the first time (they were delivered the day after the ceiling fell down and remained in the box, and therefore a mystery, until yesterday! It was quite exciting!) that we can't sit on our chairs with new jeans on. As I was wearing new jeans I had to get changed for dinner!!! Ha ha
I must confess to, not quite rolling around, but laying in the middle of the new carpet spread out and refusing to move! It was so nice to have new carpet and to get so close to the floor without gagging on the smell of damp and mould!
All the furniture is back in the room and the sofas will be arriving today. As most of our new stuff was bought before we were forced into a whole redecoration our new rugs don't match with the carpet so I will be phoning the carpet place today to ask if they can 'edge' our offcuts to make them into a runner and 2 mats.
We still have a lot to do, although the lounge is now nice and ordered and spotlessly clean and tidy the other rooms need some sorting. We still have some work to do but we will at least be able to rest a bit and take a more leisurely pace.
One dilemma we have: We have decided to replace our large upright freezer with a fridge/freezer which will take up the same amount of space as the freezer but will also mean we can get rid of the fridge and free up that space which we can use for a bin and recycling store. As we have a small kitchen this would be much needed space and help to keep things tidy. We also need a new bed. We also desperately need a holiday. AND I desperately need to get back to the gym/swimming. The dilemma is we can't afford to do all these things at once so which do we do first??? Decisions, decisions.....
Wow, after that marathon, if you are still here, I have to go and get ready for work. I will try to put some pictures on here. Have a great day everyone x