Well I have been a busy little bee today, I spent some of the morning on the phone sorting out some missing deliveries which should now arrive tomorrow, did a mountain of wrapping (yes, MORE wrapping!), cleaned the kitchen and reorganised all the presents under the tree. I have to pop out later to deliver some presents and will stop in at the takeaway after.
Christmas eve tomorrow and that's an exciting time in this house! We have friends round and watch christmas films, have a few drinks, a buffet and generally prepare for the arrival of Santa! I do insist that everyone be home by midnight though as they have to be in bed before that so their stockings get filled!
Tomorrow I have the last few bits to do. I have 2 deliveries due, some of which will need wrapping. I have the bathroom to clean and the lounge to hoover and the buffet to prepare.
2 more sleeps til christmas!!!