Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Well today I am left to my own devices for a lot of the day so this will be a test! First task is to get coffee and toast. Then later a friend is visiting via Subway so that's lunch taken care of :D
Give me a shout if you need anything Taz - There's nothing that can't wait x
I think you can have a day off Gem, you need it! Ha ha. You can visit tomorrow if you like as I will be alone allllllllll day :(
I'll come and join you tomorrow then - it's not a chore x
Well I managed to wash my hair this morning so I feel much cleaner! Mr Taz wanted me to wait til this evening but I could've fried chips in it and I felt really yuk so I got in the shower while he got ready for work. It wasn't easy but I got it done so I feel much better for it. But as I got out from the tub my knee didn't like it so now back to resting :)

Looking forward to a Gem visit later with a shopping list :D
I'm glad too cos I'm visiting later ;) x
Morning all. Yesterday wasn't a good day and today isn't looking much better :( I've made banana cake this morning and that's yummy so it's not all bad ;) obviously I had to have Mr Taz help a little by getting all the ingredients and equipment out and onto the table so I could sit down to make it. All I had to do was make the mix, turn the oven on and cook it. But rest time now, it's quite painful which I'm not liking and really hoping that subsides soon.

I have 2 visitors to look forward to today! My friend and her baby are visiting at about midday (via Subway :D ) and it will be great to see them. Then I got a text last night from a friend I don't see very often as she isn't local saying she will be in town this evening as her husband is meeting friends and could she visit me while she is waiting for him. It will be a late visit but that's ok, I'm not sleeping amazingly well and waking up too early in the mornings so maybe late night entertainment will allow me to sleep a little later in the morning. And it will be great to catch up with her.

Being home has led to a little too much christmas shopping online! I now have the task of getting to the door when the delivery man knocks before he gives up and goes away. More visitors to look forward to tho, however brief those visits might be!
If you're not busy having "a thing" with the delivery man, I'll visit tomorrow ;) I'll leave you in peace today seeing that you have plenty of visitors to keep you occupied x
Yesterdays banana cake didn't make it to the end of the day so I think I may have to make some more! It was extremely yummy and moreish. Still in pain today, getting bored of it now :(
Banana cake was yummy and I'm sure Mr Stone will enjoy his later. Good to see you recovering well, even though it may not seem like it when you can't get around. The wounds look clean, the swelling going down and you are moving around a little - all good progress and no-one said it would be quick did they x
What, you're not up and running yet Taz???

As Gem says, slow progress is bring made and the more you rest it the quicker it will heal. I would love to drop in and see you but you's a bit far away!!! xx
Morning Taz - hope today has started well and you are not still having the discomfort you've had the last two days. Take it easy x
Still very uncomfortable and a lot of pain. Mostly the pain is just when I walk on it or move. Half an inch down on the knee yesterday but no more today. I am icing it (wrapping it in ice, not decorating it with sweet stuff!) so that should help it to come down.

I am so impatient, I want it healed instantly but that's just not going to happen
You were looking good yesterday - Tesco didn't know what hit it with you zooming round on a motorised mobility scooter - I'm hearing ASDA had a similar experience earler too. See you later x
Asda was hit my me and a fellow wheelie in wheelchairs tearing up the aisles with our poor spouses looking on in helpless embarassment. It was highly entertaining!

Been doing ok, stumbling around etc. Had a bad night last night though and kept waking in pain and discomfort. Got up ridiculously early as a result so I think today will be a very lazy one. Yesterday I managed to do 2 loads of washing (Mr Taz had to put the washing out on the airer, I can't do that yet) and I managed to move around quite a bit but I think my uncomfortable night may be saying something :( I can't be doing with this slow progress, it's so boring
You is naughty Taz :nono: Take it easy today x
Morning all! Progress continues to be slow but progress is progress. I took the dressings off last night and the wounds look nice and neat which is good. I am getting out a bit more but only for short periods and with limited walking etc. I just want to be able to do more, I'm getting so bored and fed up
You are doing really well Taz - I really noticed the difference yesterday. It all takes time so take it as it comes x
Morning all. I am waiting for a call from the docs this morning. My doctor is VERY thorough and very good, I'd purposely booked in to see her rather than any other doctor when I needed to get a sick note and I had to do that 3 weeks in advance! And I only got that appointment because there was a cancellation moments before I called. So when I went to get a sick note a couple of weeks before my op she raised a few things with me, one of course being my weight! But she wasn't patronising or rude, she is very tactful and actually listens. Later that day she phoned to say she'd noticed on my notes that I had repeat thyroid tests overdue. I'd had blood tests done earlier in the year (can't remember why now) and they detected a slight elevation in the TSH level and they wanted to retest in 6 months. Well I'd completely forgotten about that! So she said I should book in with the nurse to have that done, and while I was there did I want them to test my blood sugar too? I agreed as it's always nice to know if things are ok. Diabetes is definitely something I don't want to be developing and being overweight that's always a concern. So I saw the vampire last week who stole my blood and was told to call back on Monday.

The doctor had already told me that my initial tests showed slightly high levels but often the retest shows normal levels and if they don't then I have an underactive thyroid and will need to take Thyroxin to level it out! So fast forward to Monday, I phone the surgery and told that my glucose levels are normal which I was ecstatic about, but I need a call from the doctor about the other results but the T4 level was normal. Slight confusion, does that mean the T3 or TSH are NOT normal???

Sooooo I am waiting for a call with mixed feelings now. Of course I don't want to have anything wrong and I really don't want to be on daily medication. I have a friend with an underactive thyroid and she says there are no side effects or anything bad about taking Thyroxin but she, like me, isn't good at taking regular medication and more often than not forgot! So with that in mind I am hoping they say all is ok but I'm sure I wouldn't need a call from the doc to tell me that! On the other hand, if I have an underactive thyroid that could explain why I have so much trouble shifting weight and having it leveled could help with that!

So you can see where the mixed feelings come into it, and with that in mind can there really be a bad outcome from this call?? It's a weird one for me cus I have always been quite healthy despite my weight. I always tick straight 'No's' on health questionnaires when it says 'Have you got or ever suffered from...' and I'd like to continue being in good health. But any kind of answer to my weight trouble and possible assistance with rectifying that has to be welcome doesn't it?!

Thoughts and opinions welcome! (Although by the time I come back to this I will probably know which way it's to be!)