Well the bedroom is all finished and the lounge is now back to where it should be. For the first time since we've lived here we have the lounge and bedroom both tidy at the same time! It's so nice to walk into either room and them both to look so nice. I wake in the morning in a lovely room that is clean and tidy and I go into the lounge which is also the same. Soooo nice. Just the bathroom and kitchen to go now and this morning I seemed to find my way to the Magnet website and they actually have almost the exact layout and design I want! So, seeing my kitchen there I thought it would have been rude not to invite them round to see how much it would cost for them to bring that kitchen right back and put it where it belongs! The layout we want will maximise the space in our oh so small kitchen and brighten it up too.
The bathroom is actually a more desperate project to get going on and will probably be the cheaper of the two but there is a payment plan with Magnet that will make it more do-able now whereas the bathroom will be paid in cold hard cash which, after the bedroom, is in short supply at the moment. We have a plan to get some of the work done bit by bit in more affordable and do-able chunks. Mr Taz thinks we can't entertain the idea of doing either until next year but I have other ideas.
In other news, I am meeting with my manager later to discuss the possibility of going back to work on light duties. I think it will ease me back in nicely and get me used to working and doing a full day again without the pressure. All I need is to be able to drive to get there and back. My sick note runs out next week so hopefully this will be my last week off then back into the real world I go!