Morning all! Well it's Friday which means WI day and the official damage of my 2 weeks of holidays etc! The final damage is zero, nothing lost nothing gained. I can't be unhappy about that but I would like to follow that up with a 3lb loss next week
Morning all! Well it's Monday morning so that can only mean one thing.... The start of a new week! I've had quite a lazy weekend as I was back to work yesterday and my hours meant I couldn't get to the pool. So I am off to the pool this morning instead but as I usually do the gym on Monday I shall be doing that first. Also Monday is AquaFit day but we are doing double tonight as I am working on Thursday afternoon/evening when we would normally do double. So here's how today is looking: 0615 hit the gym followed by swimming. Home to chill out the 1900 double Aqua. I think I may sleep well tonight!
My scales have not budged so I've decided to ignore their petulant behaviour for now. Bad scales!
Home and chilling now with a coffee and Jeremy Kyle! I have the heating on to dry another towel for tonight (washed ALL the towels at the weekend) so it's rather warm in here like an elderly persons house! Planning on doing nowt now til it's time to go out this evening
Well only 1lb off this week but it's still a loss! I did go out for dinner early in the week and I'm pre-monsteral so I can't complain at that! Just have to have a couple of really good weeks elsewhere. I'm still determined to do that extra 5lb by the end of the year, watch this space......
Not really, a mexican dinner midweek is never good on the scales!
Oh dear, it looks like I may have to venture to Ikea later :/ not sure I'm brave enough for that! I always have to reward myself at the end with a hot dog for getting out alive!