Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Well I was rather pleased with it Gem :)

Went for a swim this morning and got my time down to 63 minutes for 100 lengths. Might have been a bit quicker if I hadn't had to mess about with my hat that was annoying me!
You are working SO hardd at your fitness Taz x
No WI this week as everything has been a bit all over the place. The kitchen was finished yesterday morning so we spent most of the rest of the day sorting all the stuff out. Still loads to do but we are going away for the weekend so the sort out will recommence on Monday. The kitchen is amazing, I love it and I'm so glad we got it done. There are still a couple of bits to do to get it properly finished like tiling but that will have to wait til next month now.

During all the upheaval I still managed to get to all my gym sessions, swimming sessions and AquaFit classes so I'm pleased with that. But we had to eat out all week and I didn't have a lot of my usual body-friendly foods/drinks so I am looking forward to the return of some kind of normality. I think I have gained a couple of lb this week but thats not official. I'm hoping I can get an STS or a 1lb loss next Friday! This is why my next mini goal is such a small one, I knew these 2 weeks weren't going to be good!
You've coped well with a difficult week Taz - Well done. Your kitchen looks wonderful x
Not at all Nomad, we all have different activity levels and it's no ones place to say what's right for them is or isn't right for another! A friend of mine joined the local leisure center when she found out I'd joined. By then I'd already set my routine of gym swimming and AquaFit so it was just a case of her slotting in with my routine when it suited. I told her from the start that I will support her and she would be welcome to come along to any session I go to but I can't do it for her. She said she wanted to do it all. She comes to AquaFit most of the time, just dropping a few sessions here and there for various reasons, but when it comes to the gym or swimming, I always offer and all I want is a yes or no in return but what I often get is excuses and tales like she has to answer to me! I find it slightly offensive as she is my mate and it's not for me to tell her what she should or shouldn't be doing. Just a simple No would suffice and I am more than happy to crack on on my own :D

On that subject, we have just had a lovely weekend away in a very nice hotel. We were about a 40 second walk from the leisure complex so we went for a swim on the Friday evening once we'd settled in. They had a 15m adults only lane swimming pool so I got 100 lengths done (60 lengths of my usual 25m pool) then made use of the jacuzzi, steam room and sauna. Saturday morning we checked out the gym which looked like it had been equipped about 20 years ago and never updated! It wasn't a usual workout for me but I wasn't bothered as I don't usually go to the gym on a Saturday anyway, we were just making use of the facilities. Sunday we swam again, another 100 lengths followed by the spa stuff. This morning before we left I tried out the Aqua class of which I was the youngest attendee by about 20 years! It was a good session and there was only 12 in the class. Afterwards I went to the steam room and sauna again before heading home :) Tonight I will be going to the gym before AquaFit. I hopped on the scales when I got home for a sneaky check in and it's not looking too bad! I will know for sure in the morning when I can have a more accurate look
Sounding good Taz - Most likely my weekend will have produced some poundage not lost it - well done x
It's easily done Gem! We were just lucky to have the leisure facilities on hand and we did a LOT of walking in Blackpool too
We walked too and weren't too bad on the food front (except perhaps for the carvery last night which was SO yummy - Did I mention the guinness....... no.... I didn't think so x
I just meant the fact you are doing so much and I am doing so little! I just can't be bothered which is a shame because I enjoy it and always feel better for it.
Don't beat yourself up Nomad - leave it to us, we'll be down tomorrow ;) x

Do you have another day off Taz or are you back to work today? x
Ha ha....... note to self - pack big stick x
Nomad, you will pick it up again soon and you will feel much better for it. But there's no point in doing it if you aren't in the right frame of mind. You are running which is good.

Gem, I'm off til the middle of next week :D

Well I've had an official check in on the scales and the damage from a week of disruption, hotel hopping and eating out is........... A big fat ZERO!!!! I have neither gained nor lost at this point so hoping I can shift a couple by Friday. I was hoping to end up these 2 weeks 3lb lighter but I really don't see that happening now
Even STS would be a result after the disruption - anything else will be a bonus x
That's the way I'm looking at it Gem. I purposely set my next mini goal low to allow for an STS or even a gain this 2 weeks so a loss of any amount would be a bonus
I think you might get a nice surprise yet Taz x