Team ideal

jo3791 said:
They are slim I guess...stuck up as well and one of them needs a shave lol...I'd rather have a milkshake than a beard :) xx

Haha! Well you're only on this diet for so long but shell have that beard for much longer!
I didn't think it'd be so annoying people having their say, it's a massive 'it's none of their business' I feel!
Haha! Well you're only on this diet for so long but shell have that beard for much longer!
I didn't think it'd be so annoying people having their say, it's a massive 'it's none of their business' I feel!

Exactly lol...I mean don't get me wrong, mostly people have been supportive but today just came out of the blue, I ended up thinking if that's how everyone felt! But like you say 'it's none of their business' :) xx
cappachino said:
Hi Vicky

Welcome to the Team, yes ur right about being fat and fit, I box and I'm also a boxing coach, however I have recently been struggling with my fitness! As soon as my weight is a bit lower I'm gonna start running again. I regularly used to do 5 milers and I miss it loads!

If this is ur 1 st couple of wks on vlcd just take it easy with ur training x good luck xx

Yeah I am training for my blackbelt on the 19th may !!!! So got to keep at it but doing it in the am and feel okay :) Running is like that isn't it when I stop I get jealous of driving pass people pounding the streets :)
Hope you get the bug for it again soon and thanks for the welcome , feeling really happy today :) :) :D
Zest for Life said:
Welcome to the team, my son does kick boxing and running but his a slim health freak.
I bloody love that quote!!!
:) x

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Me to I have to keep telling myself it , over and over lol well done for your 4lb loss good stuff :D
Vjdisme said:
Me to I have to keep telling myself it , over and over lol well done for your 4lb loss good stuff :D

I didn't have a 4lb loss? Lol x

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harassed_mother said:
Hi vicky I'm Hannah welcome to the ideal team :) people here are brilliant and dead supportive

Hi Hannah , nice to have virtually met you and everyone , really pleased I'm part of a team doing this feels good . I have only told 2 people I'm doing it in the real world hehe x
Rider said:
Hey guys, can I join? I did lighter life 2 years ago but put the 3 stone back on that I lost :( started CD today, just had first pack which tasted horrible... Maple porridge, hope they get nicer with time, so I could deffo use the support and in return offer my support :) this will be the last time!! X

Hello welcome rider!!! I lost weight with LL too 5 yrs ago and have put it all on and more, now on day 13 of CD x
jo3791 said:
Iv just realised, iv not gone for the ice cream (which is what I usually do when something pisses me off) haha, iv just shocked myself :) I'm even more determined now :) xx

See. You have silently stuck 2 fingers up by not grabbing the ice cream ! Well done :)
Rider said:
Hey guys, can I join? I did lighter life 2 years ago but put the 3 stone back on that I lost :( started CD today, just had first pack which tasted horrible... Maple porridge, hope they get nicer with time, so I could deffo use the support and in return offer my support :) this will be the last time!! X

Welcome! I haven't tried maple porridge but suspect my reaction would be the same !! I am undecided on the normal porridge - I remember liking it last time but can't see why yet!!
jo3791 said:
They are slim I guess...stuck up as well and one of them needs a shave lol...I'd rather have a milkshake than a beard :) xx

Haha I'd ratherbhavebsome weight to lose rather than a beard :)
jo3791 said:
Hi everyone & welcome new members!

Iv had a bit of a down day today, I woke up tired but feeling good! For some reason today at work iv had 3 people tell me how stupid I am for doing this diet and how it's a waste of money...'healthy eating and the gym' is what they kept saying...the gym does not work for me, I'll be honest I'm lazy! Iv felt so good about myself since I started this plan and I left work feeling really fed up :( I kept telling them, it's MY money & MY body but apparently I'm just 'stupid'...why can they see how much happier this is making me! Sorry for the rant girls but I feel like I can't talk to anyone at work about how it's made me feel...they don't understand xxx

Don't let them bring u down huni! Ur doin this for u and at the end of the day as u say they're not the ones payin for it! I'm lazy too I will admit that! The gym bores me to tears lol! U'll be the one havin the last laugh when they see how amazin u look! :) xx
Welcome! I haven't tried maple porridge but suspect my reaction would be the same !! I am undecided on the normal porridge - I remember liking it last time but can't see why yet!!

iv not even tried the porridge, everyone has told me it's like glue xx
Zest for Life said:
Let them say what they want. Like you say it's your money! We all know it works, so just carry on with what your doing. Don't let anyone bring you down, there's time for gym and healthy eating after the weight has gone. Your doing great :) x
Not many people do understand this diet and why are they all obsessed with how much it costs?! That's the first thing people ask me, not how you finding it or how you feeling? Just, oh is it expensive ?
I find myself justifying the money to them!
You doing great Hun and you got us lot :) x

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I know! I just tell them it's the money I would use for nights out, alcohol, eating out etc! So at the end of the day i'm not breaking the bank I'm actually saving money by doing it! :) xx
jo3791 said:
Hi everyone & welcome new members!

Iv had a bit of a down day today, I woke up tired but feeling good! For some reason today at work iv had 3 people tell me how stupid I am for doing this diet and how it's a waste of money...'healthy eating and the gym' is what they kept saying...the gym does not work for me, I'll be honest I'm lazy! Iv felt so good about myself since I started this plan and I left work feeling really fed up :( I kept telling them, it's MY money & MY body but apparently I'm just 'stupid'...why can they see how much happier this is making me! Sorry for the rant girls but I feel like I can't talk to anyone at work about how it's made me feel...they don't understand xxx

Don't let them get to you - we know it works, it works much faster than "normal" diets and just like "normal" diets you can put on weight afterwards so it's no different apart from the results you get help keep you going- that's why I can't face a more "sensible" diet - the amount of time it would take to lose it plus the going down by 1lb then back on with 1lb is just soul destroying.

You do what works for you and dont let them make you feel bad - I haven't told anyone apart from immediate family as I can't face having to justify myself and be made to feel weird - you show them by reaching target & staying there.

Keep strong!!
rugger bugger said:
Hi Guys, back from weigh in, "only" 3.5lbs this week, but i think i was half a lb out on last weeks so I've recorded it as 3 on my profile. updated my diary accordingly. thanks for all of you guys who popped by and supported ver what has been a testing few days.

I looking towards dropping 2 stone in 5 weeks bout that would need the next 2 weeks to be 4lb losses, not sure if thats a bit over enthusiastic?

RB xx

Well done that's great! U have lost loads already u shud be proud! :) xx
Don't let them bring u down huni! Ur doin this for u and at the end of the day as u say they're not the ones payin for it! I'm lazy too I will admit that! The gym bores me to tears lol! U'll be the one havin the last laugh when they see how amazin u look! :) xx

thanks mood has lifted again since I came on here, the support on this forum is great :) I'm actually looking forward to work 2morro now...stuff the lot of them :) xx
jo3791 said:
thanks mood has lifted again since I came on here, the support on this forum is great :) I'm actually looking forward to work 2morro now...stuff the lot of them :) xx

No probs keep that chin up :) they're prob just jealous coz u will look better than them! ;) yeh it really is espesh when ur havin a down day or tempted to eat like I was earlier! Xx