Team ideal

tiggywinkle said:
Make the porridge nice and runny. Tastes much better. When it is thick it is like wallpaper paste and not so nice.

Will do thanks . Had the chocolate and mint shake hot last night too it was nice x
oabaab said:
Any room for one more? On day 8 and need some motivation! got a holiday on 26th may and would like to be lighter :)


Welcome to the team :) were are you off to? X
donnamarie said:
Well day 14 and feeling a bit strange headache and a bit sick.
But think its because of the night I had with my boy and not the diet.
He's finally gone down for his nap, so I've just got into my bed :)
Hope I get at least an hour :)
Be back later.
Hope your all having a fab day! Xx

Yeah tiredness makes it even harder I think! Will probably see the answer to this shortly but hope you got a nap :) x
Louey said:
Hi, I was wondering if I could join Team Ideal? I started just over two weeks ago on the same day as my bestest friend. It would be good to be part of a 'posse' and I know she has already been on here. so far I lost 11lbs the first two weeks, but 10 of those were the first week! Still inches are what counts I believe. Looking for inspiration at the moment. Regards to all Louey

Course you can. Welcome to the team :) well done on your loss so far! Definitely is inches I just posted on another thread: If I offered you your dream body (inches) or your dream weight which would you choose? It's not all about the numbers yet sometimes we lose sight of that x
cappachino said:
Hi Guys

Had my 2nd weigh in and lost 4lbs so I'm well happy with that x

Welcome to the group Louey xx

Fantastic result hunni well done!!! X
Vjdisme said:
Hi everyone I'm Vicki I'm 35 . I have 3 kids 2 step kids and a husband/kid . I live in Brentwood Essex and do kick boxing , running and have a personal trainer ( u can be fit and fat ) I LOVE red wine and takeaways bread crisps with more bread . I want to lose 2 and a half stone by July and I will .
This is my first week and I get weighed 2m so will update then .

If you hate starting over STOP giving up :D

Hi Vicki welcome to the team :) wow check out you and all your fitness! Yep in with you on the bread and crisps :) you'll definitely be there by July. Good luck for tomorrow x
silencemylips said:
Hi! Am I ok to jump in? I'm on day two, have roughly 5 and a half stone to lose and have just started a diary over in the diary section if anyone wants to know anymore.

Glad to see you find us :) x
Rider said:
Hey guys, can I join? I did lighter life 2 years ago but put the 3 stone back on that I lost :( started CD today, just had first pack which tasted horrible... Maple porridge, hope they get nicer with time, so I could deffo use the support and in return offer my support :) this will be the last time!! X

Welcome to the team :) I find that blending the porridge helps but the porridge and the soups seem to be like marmite you'll either love or hate em lol. X
Zest for Life said:
Wow, the teams growing and we are shrinking! Yay!
I'm home from work watching come dine with me, not sure why, I've got loads to do and not sure why a cookery programme?! Strange that I'm craving things like raw carrots and grapes and chicken shashlik keeps popping in my head, funny how I never crave a cd shake! Lol
Hope you all having a good day, changed wi day due to my roar changing. So think it's thurs, not sure yet but I bought extra shakes Last time so I'm fine for products.
Just started Pauline quirk book, seems good :) x

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I love how many newbies today. We are so all going to do this with this much support its fantastic!! I love watching come dine with me. I like all foodie things though cooking and baking is a bit of a hobby of mine! I keep craving an apple lol x
jo3791 said:
Hi everyone & welcome new members!

Iv had a bit of a down day today, I woke up tired but feeling good! For some reason today at work iv had 3 people tell me how stupid I am for doing this diet and how it's a waste of money...'healthy eating and the gym' is what they kept saying...the gym does not work for me, I'll be honest I'm lazy! Iv felt so good about myself since I started this plan and I left work feeling really fed up :( I kept telling them, it's MY money & MY body but apparently I'm just 'stupid'...why can they see how much happier this is making me! Sorry for the rant girls but I feel like I can't talk to anyone at work about how it's made me feel...they don't understand xxx

Opinions and arseholes. We've all got one lol. Other people are the hardest part of this diet. Just ignore them we all understand exactly why you chose this plan and also why it's going to work. Tell the rest of em to feck off. The only one the diet is bothering is them! X hugs x
rugger bugger said:
Hi Guys, back from weigh in, "only" 3.5lbs this week, but i think i was half a lb out on last weeks so I've recorded it as 3 on my profile. updated my diary accordingly. thanks for all of you guys who popped by and supported ver what has been a testing few days.

I looking towards dropping 2 stone in 5 weeks bout that would need the next 2 weeks to be 4lb losses, not sure if thats a bit over enthusiastic?

RB xx

Hey! Well done on your WI again. Another great result!! You should be there or very close hun. They say to expect a stone a month and lucky for you you don't have water retention and totm to contend with lol. Xxx
jo3791 said:
Thanks just annoys me that they can judge me...i don't normally let things get to me, they normally get the middle finger but iv been on such a high all last week that this really upset me! Your right, they're not gonna bring me down! I'm going to do this and bollocks to them all..thanks again :) xxx

That's a better post ;) x
harassed_mother said:
I would just over exaggerate it all go mmmmmmm dead loud lol bunch of plebs winds me up that stuff em when u thin and they all fat mingers shake your blender at em lol

PMSL at the mental image I have of shaking the blender at them haha x
silencemylips said:
I've been told/ well overheard that the diet I'm doing isn't good for me. I've never really had people putting their two cents in, but I'm not a fan of it. They don't know it's not good for you, so why say its silly and against it!?

The diet is fine it's all medically approved. People just don't know and so have an opinion. Ridiculous x
jo3791 said:
thanks mood has lifted again since I came on here, the support on this forum is great :) I'm actually looking forward to work 2morro now...stuff the lot of them :) xx

:D love this post x
Zest for Life said:
Yes, because no one puts weight back on do they after WW or SW?! Honestly makes me laugh, you'll put the weight back on with every diet unless you change your eating habits that got you there in the beginning x

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This is so true!!! Of course we'll put the weight on if we don't change but that would be true of any diet!! X
Cor blimey you lot have been busy! Wish I hadnt started reading it whilst I was in the bath as the bath is cold now lol.

Think I've pretty much replied About everything in my mass of posts but to sum up.....

Welcome to the newbies :)
People are idiots, except this team. Our team rocks!! The support that's been on here today is phenomenal well done everyone. We are so gonna do this!!!! X
Rkmriddell said:
Cor blimey you lot have been busy! Wish I hadnt started reading it whilst I was in the bath as the bath is cold now lol.

Think I've pretty much replied About everything in my mass of posts but to sum up.....

Welcome to the newbies :)
People are idiots, except this team. Our team rocks!! The support that's been on here today is phenomenal well done everyone. We are so gonna do this!!!! X

Lol excellent summery :)