Team Weighty Mateys - April 2009

hi Michelle and welcome. Congrats on 8lbs in one week - that's brilliant.
Hi Michelle.

Welcome to the team. That was an amazing loss. Well Done xxx
well done fluff your so inspiring , you go girl , you make us brummie girls so proud sarahandmolly keep the faith , this diet does and will work , trust me there aint a diet i aint tried lol

Every forum I am on everyone calls me fluff, may change my name lol

Thank you very much for that comment Simmy! :) Means a lot. Nice to see a fellow Brummie in the team! I have never noticed before :) xxx
Welcome aboard Vicky and Michelle :welcome2:

Vicky, you have done extremely well losing all that weight in a relative short time. Wow :)
And Michelle, well done on your 8 lbs loss. :)

Happy Easter to all Weighty Mateys. Hope you all managed to stay away from the chocolate bunnies? :D:17729:

B. x
Hi guys just popping in to say hello. I have been very very very naughty this weekend! Will be trying to have a 100% week this week now. May need some support though lol x
Princess Sausage, well done on resisting the temptation. :D

Hiya Ikkle, nice you could "stop by". What have you done girl? Come on, tell us all about it, get it off your chest ;) . Course you get our support if you need it. :) xx

I have been a bit naughty yesterday. Me and other half have been away to Inverness on the bikes, stayed over and had a...erm, "few" glasses of wine and loads of rum and coke... had a lovely meal, too. :eek: And this morning - fully cooked breakfast at B&B. Back on track now (but not looking forward to WI tomorrow)
B. xx
ok I will tell you but bear in mind it will shock you and is an awful lot.


Large bowl of home made chicken curry
2 packets of French Fries
A chicken sandwich
Weight Watchers Chicken Italiano Pizza
Roast Sweet potatoes
Prawn Toast
Chicken and sweetcorn soup
Cantonese Spare Ribs
Salt and Pepper King Prawns
Prawn Crackers

Weight watchers caramel rice pudding
Strawberry Jan Jac rice pudding
creme egg
2 pork chops, boiled potatoes, cauli, brocolli, swede and carrots and gravy
1 slice of bread and butter to dip in gravy
1 bag of french fries
2 quorn burgers
5 slices of bread
lettuce, onion
3 cheese slices.

Told you I had been rather self destructive :(
really sorry i meant to say welcome to michelle too.

are you all flabbergasted by how much i have eaten now sob sob
Hi Ikkle

We all need a blow out now and again. Sometimes it is the only way to rid ourselves of a negative mood.

Now shelve it, label it, and put some superfree foods in front of it. Your plan to have a 100% week is the best thing you can do.

I am a text lifelline for a couple of people in my class. Not in anyway suggesting you have to, but if you ever want to privately swap numbers, you could text me any time of the day whatever mood you are in. That stands for other group members too.

Regardless of that though, good luck. We will all be here for you xxx
Ikkle, this is one of the hardest weeks of the year to diet so dont beat yourself up.

Sometimes, I find it easier if I dont do big losses and eat little as I then cant sustain it and feel deprived, then have a blow out. Why not try for losing a pound a week for the next few or eating say 20 syns a day everyday to try to end the all/nothing approach. Please dont think I'm preaching just that I've been there too.

ps only thing that stopped me eating choc this weekend is I have to get in a very small plane seat in just over three weeks and unless I lose a bit more will need a shoe horn!

Love and hugs to ya, Ikkle
Morning All. :wavey:

Sorry I haven't reported in for a while, what with the bank holiday weekend and a 2yr old I am making the most of it. :) I have been good this week once again, I haven't touched 1 bit of chocolate... oops I lie! I had a 2 fingered kit kat as a treat on Friday... that's all.

I took my daughter to Drayton Manor yesterday and guess what, I took a packed lunch and never gave in to hotdogs etc... I am so proud of myself! I was on a green day too :D Go me! ha ha! Also I am currently waiting for my Wii Fit to be delivered! Ooh all this exercise....! Fingers crossed for a loss tomorrow... :cross: If I don't... guess what... I am still going to carry on regardless! I will probably be upset still, but hey!

Fuff / Simmy - I am a brummie born and bred too! :) Ha ha I come from Aston originally ;)

Ikkle - hope you manage to get on track again chick. It's hard sometime xxx

Welcome to Vicky and Michell - both great losses so WELL DONE!

Anyway - speak to you all later xxxx
Hi everyone, I am really amazed but I managed to lose a 1lb this week. Am really pleased as I ate like mad at the weekend tho I hadn't been well earlier in the week and I didn't eat much then.

:welcome2: Michelle and Vicky ~ you both have great losses so far!xxx

B2b ~ glad you had a nice time ~ we have to let our hair down now and again, you're back on track again which is the main thing,xxx

Ikkle ~ I remember reading that SW is a plan for life and we can't follow it 100% for 100% of the time. Just try to draw a line under it and start afresh. We are all here for you, sending you lots of hugs xxx:hug99::hug99:

Sarah ~ hope your weigh in goes well for you xxx

Good luck to all my other Weighty Mateys, xxx

Hope you all had a lovely Easter!! xxx
Well done Weemo!!!

Yay, another Brummie!! Sarah, I am from just outside the centre in the opposite direction...neat digbeth way :)

Well, I gained 1lb and am not shocked. Wish I was :( lol....I have picked too much and did not do a diary for the first time. So, I deserve it! Gonna stuff my face today in protest, then get back on 100% track tomorrow.

Hope you are ok Ikkle xxx
0.5 lb off for me this week, had a little pig out after WI though (2 x Garlic butter baguettes (large, must be mega high in syns) :eek:)

Ikkle, yes that is a lot (I am not shocked though, if I wanted I could easily eat that in a day myself. lol ;)). So what? You have done really well the last few weeks. Make sure you are back on track tomorrow hunny. No point ruin all of your good success just because you enjoyed the Easter time. :) Hugs, :hug99: xx

thank you Weemo, I needed the weekend off (was nice eating out for a change, I don't do that very often) ;) . Well done on your 1 lb off :D

Fuffs, lol @ "Gonna stuff my face today in protest, " . :D . Hope you enjoyed the feast. As you said, back on track tomorrow.

Good luck for all your WIs this week.
B. xx
Hi Ikkles
Just to update me on the spreadsheet... on the 1st April I lost 2 pounds and the 8th April stayed the same. Hoping for a loss tomorrow but I dunno>>>>:)
Well done all you losers!

Fluffs that little pound will soon be behind you.

I lost 2 lbs this week so really chuffed as I worked really hard for it excercise and food wise, got my stone award!
Hello all :D

Well Done Weemo on losing that lb! :clap:

Fuffs - What's a lb when you have had a good easter hey? You will easily lose that next week. Hope you enjoyed stuffing your face to ;) Yes I know Digbeth... can't believe there are so many brummies on this team :bliss: Ha ha

Princess Sausage - Yay! 2lb loss! Go you :clap:

Maggielous - :cross: for your WI tomorrow

b2b - Well done on the 1/2lb loss :clap:

Well it's WI day today and I am on a green day. Just eaten a car-crash of a sandwich which I made yesterday with loads of beetroot on it... it looked like something had been killed between the slices of bread :giggle: T'was nice though! :drool:
I am really hoping for a loss this week, I really am. I have done loads of walking, exercise DVD, taught dancing and hopefully my Wii Fit will be at home when I get there later. So please please please... have all your fingers crossed that I get a loss tonight xx