oops, need to catch up with all your posts since last week. Well done to all your losses and sts since

Weemo, 4 lbs is great! You go chick, you must have been good as an angel :innocent0002:
Sarah, sorry to hear about your colleague.

.Have not seen your post on the general area, will have a look. Can imagine that moving house involves quite some work and a little bit of stress so you might not have put on weight? :fingerscrossed:
Ikkle, sorry to hear you are not well. Hope you feel better soon. :hug99: Not sure if I should congratulate you on getting a gastric band though, I would be scared of the op (but that's me)

. Do you have a date for the op already?
Vicky, 4 st is a fantastic achievement. Hope I will get there this year, too
Princess Sausage, hope you enjoy the gym?
Simmy, I can imaging the frustration with sts two weeks in a row... $&^% :censored:

. Have you tried a speedfoood challenge yet? And do you know the reason for feeling so knackered lately? Maybe you should go and see a doctor hunny? xx
Alice, belated congrats on your 2.5 lbs the other week. Well done
Crazy and Jaxmummy, how are you two doing?
And before I forget, I lost 1.5 lbs this week so back to where I was 2 weeks ago, sigh
Have a great week all xx
(and sorry for the long post
