Hi girls

, looks like a successful week all around
Fuffs, 6 lbs is amazing

. Congrats to SOW, too
Princess Sausage, hope your daughter (and you

) had a great day today on her birthday (it's my mum's bday today, too. But she's in Germany so I am not getting tempted eating cakes etc.

). Hope you will get your 2 lbs off this week :cross:
Weemo, you have not let the team down sweety. We all have a week when it does not go so well. And you have been away, hope you enjoyed the time? Well done on taking up gym, you will be fit in no time. 30 min is a great start
Vicky, that 1 lb will be off in no time hunny. Good on you going back to do a diary. It's so easy to mis-judge syns, isn't it? I am doing sw for 7.5 month now and still do a daily diary. Have a good week
Crazy, are you still on FF? Phew, sounds pretty hard. Hope it will do what is suppose to do. Good luck hun
Maggie, welcome to club 10

. You must be so proud of yourself. Well done you!
Alice, belated congrats to your achievements. That's just fab
Well, as for me... I had a really naught weekend. Went to motorbike rally Fri - Sun. Had loads of drinks and a fab time. But I prepared and planned and was veeeery good Mon to Fri afternoon, no syns at all! Then had a great weekend and was back on plan again on Sunday mid-day. I expected a small gain but hey, 1.5 lbs off

arty0049: (it did pay off to be extra good and also had lots of speed food last week

Got my 2.5 st award today, yippee

(well, took me long enough

Next mini goal is to get the 3 st award before I go on holidays on 11th June. fingers crossed
Have a great week. I am so glad this forum exists. It gives me so much inspiration and really helps to keep me on the plan at times. Love to you all:grouphugg:
B. xx