Last Wednesday, it was dads for dinner and it was stew and dumplings, but the only thing that was bad was the dumplings... but then the 15 Quality Street chocs didn't help. Then on Thursday it was my son's 20th and he got us delivered the most gorgeous pizza and chips, followed by birthday cake... THEN, on Saturday, food shopping straight after an 8 hour shift at work I got low blood sugar so woofed down 2 bars of chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAD GIRL!!!!
Anyhoo.... I still lost half a pound!!!!!!!!!! LOL.
Ok, so this week, other half's birthday tomorrow, so that's pancakes and birthday cake, but hell, we have to join in with things like "normal people" don't we???? I'm eating properly at all other times, soooo... I'm happy.