Team Weighty Mateys - April 2009

How did you get on Ria?
Hello Ladies

My name is Sophie - But call me Sophs, or Fuffs of course lol

I am an old Slimming World Veteran who fell severely off the wagon.

Can I please join the Weighty Mateys in time for March?

I look forward to talking to you all and good luck!:) xxx
Hi fuffs, welcome aboard hunni, I will add you to the March spreadsheet hun, when I make it lolol.

I have been cooking again and have made a gorgeous lasagne last night that was delish and i made canneloni on tuesday. Am loving cooking at the minute cos with my lappi being in the shop for repairs it has given me something to keep busy.

Have had a steroid injection today which might increase my appetite a little - hope it doesnt.

Well done on everyones losses.

Has anyone seen moonlyte or lochan as i know they were both active and havent been on here all month.

Are there anymore losses to be recorded? xx
Thank you Ickle :) Thank you.

Thats the fun of having time on your hands. You can experiment and find new things to enjoy.

Hope the steroids don't affect you too negatively.
Well done Orion, 2 lb off is great :)

Welcome Sophie . Let us know when you think you might fall off the wagon again - there is plenty of people here willing to hold your hand and keep you on board :D

Princessria, how was you weigh in? 1 slightly sinful day should not have damaged your overall week? Let us know :)

Ikkle, hope the injections will not increase your appetite too much :eek:. But IF, then you know what you can eat loads off :D. Sounds you are having a lot of fun cooking at the moment.

B. xx
Thank you B :)

It is fabulous to have a forum here. I was disappointed when I saw that SW does not have its own.

I think being part of Weighty Mateys will spur me on more.

I look forward to trying to contribute towards March loss :)
I'm loving my cooking but I get my trusty laptop back on Monday and I cant wait. I have been using my little brothers comp whilst mine is being fixed but i have a mac and they are soooo different plus i cant get to grips using a mouse it confuddles me.

well done everyone this month I am not sure whether to post our monthly results tonight or tomorrow as we may get one or two last minute results.

Im kinda annoyed a bit today because knowing full well that I have binge eating disorder, knowing full well i am having a pretty carp time what with my uncle dying etc i've found myself binging and then saying to myself oh its ok it must be the steroid injection - psycho symatic (sp) so am having chinese for tea because its ordered and then I am concentrating from now on on slimming world food, even if i have to spend 3 hours cooking something. no more naughty stuff. x
Ok Guys it is 1st March and a brand new month, lets all do fantastic.

This months results :

The Weighty Mateys lost a total of 43.5lb this month. That equates to 3 stone 1.5lb!!! Brilliant guys.

The slimmer of the month is Mrs V who lost 12lb.


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I am have had an eating disorder Ickle. Sometimes it can be hard. But I am sure you will get back on track soon :)

Sorry about your uncle (((hugs)))

I look forward to our group doing well in March. Well done for Feb Mrs V and everyone else!x
Hi Folks,

Can I join in, please? I am def a very weighty matey and can I join your gang? I have lost six and a half stone with SW before but it's all back and i'm ready to get going again.I really got into the plan last time. I start on Tues by gp referal.
Princess sausage welcome aboard hunni xx
Hi Ikkle - thanks for doing the spreadsheet - but Im not on it!

Promise I'll be on my best behaviour! x x
hi is there room for one more on this team?
I lost my FBI :(
to all, that is great. We are real losers, aren't we? ;)

I just checked the February list. Not sure if I read this correctly but looks as Ikkle lost 12 lb and Mrs V 10 lb? Please please correct me if I am wrong. Either way, both of you have been doing fantastic, both of you deserve a trophy. ;)

Ikkle, sorry to hear about your problems. Sending hugs your way :hug99:. Good to hear you seem to be back on track food wise :) .
Not sure how much I will lose this month as will be going to see my family in Germany next week. Mum already asking what I want to eat so that she can start cooking!! (bye bye diet :wave_cry:). Will be extra good this week and the two weeks after the holiday. Hope for some damage limitation :eek:

Princess sausage (funny name, I like it :D), welcome aboard sweetie. Good luck on your journey.

Alice, sorry to hear you lost your team, that's not nice :patback:. Maybe there is someone else who can take over the FBIs? But of course you are very welcome to join the Weighty Mateys :)

B. xx
Morning all...well I gained a pound this week! Knew it was coming (I have a pattern), but its still a downer!
Oh well...lets see what next week brings eh?!
hey guys can i join, i was a member of team wedding belles but no one ever seems to be there, is there room for 1 more ???
Slack alice and Jax, of course you can join in here, the more the merrier.

Orion - I am so sorry I forgot you hunni, was nothing personal honest hun.

B2b thank you for the hugs I hope you have a great time in Germany. I shall be lucky if I get a weekend at withernsea this year which is probably a good thing cos I love fish and chips with chip spice too much. (used to live in hull) Btw you are right about me getting me and Mrs V mixed up lol. She is still SOTM though because I had just come back on plan and had a huge lost and 10lb is amazing. Sorry for any confusion.

Mrs V, don't worry too much about that pesky pound it will come off hun your doing brilliantly.

New names have been added to the spread sheet, apologies for any confusion.

Ikkle x
Thanks guys, i know i may sound a bit thick but what do i need to do now