to all, that is great. We are real losers, aren't we?
I just checked the February list. Not sure if I read this correctly but looks as Ikkle lost 12 lb and Mrs V 10 lb? Please please correct me if I am wrong. Either way, both of you have been doing fantastic, both of you deserve a trophy.
Ikkle, sorry to hear about your problems. Sending hugs your way :hug99:. Good to hear you seem to be back on track food wise

Not sure how much I will lose this month as will be going to see my family in Germany next week. Mum already asking what I want to eat so that she can start cooking!! (bye bye diet :wave_cry

. Will be extra good this week and the two weeks after the holiday. Hope for some damage limitation
Princess sausage (funny name, I like it

), welcome aboard sweetie. Good luck on your journey.
Alice, sorry to hear you lost your team, that's not nice

atback:. Maybe there is someone else who can take over the FBIs? But of course you are very welcome to join the Weighty Mateys
B. xx