funnily enough she wasnt she was fine. My other friend thinks I may have been spiked :-( god knows
What a shame you have ruined that top it looked lovely hun!
I was like that once and I had had my drink spiked but I was out with hubby he was not impressed when we got home and I was violently sick.
Aw won't let me look at the link for some reason.
It's possible that you may have been spikes hun, especially if you can't remember much. Happens quite a lot here x
Lol aw bless him. He deserved a huge thank you judging by the pics. Think I would've been sock myself trying to clean it up lol x
Id like to think I hadnt but I can normally handle a lot to drink, and its funny the girl I was drinking with was fine. She cant handle her drink and is diabetic shes normally ill
If you aren't used to jaeger bombs they are a killer though babes
My OH would make me suffer for months for that one lolEverytime he wanted his own way he would use it against me as blackmail