Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

bread and butter is amazing. mmm. bad boys! I hope you get a good one
Ahhh lol I used to love that advert. I also love the oreos one with the little girl and her daddy, and the one with the little girl on the Haribo advert who says to her dad sign the fessionnnn lmao
morning how are you today, hope all is well in your wee world :)
Hello ladies hows everyone? Had a mega busy day today at work - never stopped grrr.

HEXA - Philli Lightest
Wholemeal Crackerbreads

Brekki -
The above with red grapes chopped on

Dinner -
Leftover Curry and Rice with salad of - Grated carrot, cherry toms, red onion, cucumber,beetroot and a boiled egg

Tea -
Beans on Toast with 2 fried eggs and some lean ham

Drinks -
Ribena NAS (6 large glasses which is unusual for me), Pepsi Max

Snacks -
2 plums and a peach

Syns -
Rice (1.5) Curry Sauce (7) 3 x hovis wholemeal (7.5) Total 16
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

I've cut down on mine a bit since the nurse in A&E said I was over hydrated... Only been having about 1.5 litres a day and I still have to visit the loo where ever we go! X