Thanks Kel x
Well we’ll see what happens tonight. Am hoping for a little loss, though I’m in this pattern where I’m either REALLY good or pretty fricking horrid. I need to break the link between something going wrong and having chocolate (or rather, comfort eating in general). Starting from today, with the exception of hifi bars for hexs and one fizzy rocky cola bar when they come, I’m cutting out chocolate for the foreseeable. If anybody buys me it I will thank them, and ration it gradually / save it for when I really fancy it rather than eating it because it’s there. but I need to quit it a bit. I’ve always said a little of what you fancy is better than cutting it out, but I’m constantly sabotaging myself (evidenced by the last however many pages) and I can’t keep doing that.
I dreamt last night that someone told me to set target at this weight if I couldn’t do any more, and in the dream I was really annoyed because yes I seem to be able to maintain this easily, but this isn’t enough for me. I need to translate that into real life. I think the pressures of life with money and stuff are turning into excuses to eat chocolate etc…. it’s no good. So yes, that’s the plan. I’m going to stop buying it, and I’m going to get my head in a good place. I need to fill my peak ‘fluffingup’ time with something else, instigate some kind of routine to tackle it. What, well that I don’t know, but yes it’s a bigger issue than SW, I love the plan and I can follow it well, just the lack of money etc has gradually poked me into comfort eating, and I guess my OH eating sh1te doesn’t help. Thing is he can only eat it if I buy it, and I feel guilty if I don’t have it there if he needs it. Double edged sword that!
If I get my head back in this, I can lose that next half stone for new year, so let’s blooming well stop fannying about and actual do it. I’ve been nominated for Miss Slinky, the winner wil be done tonight – but I can’t hold my head up there if I know I’m not doing what I need to