ThatBubbs' Weight Loss Journey :)

Yesterday was 3.5 syns all day – despite cake being on offer, and popping to the shop and buying brownies and donuts reduced for the OH (naturally very slender, boo!). I know it’s technically below the plan limit etc – but it’ll suffice to claw back some of the anniversary meal! Today has been as follows (yesterday v similar) but EE again not green.

Alpen light hexb & apple
Salad (mostly beetroot and onions. I smell gooooood!)
Alpen light hexb

Got another apple and banana for mid afternoon snackage, and pre-made some lemon / lime sugar free jelly to have as my treat tonight which will be 1.5 syns

Tea is gonna be hexb wholemeal roll (stealing an extra hex as I didn’t use them all on my green day yesterday), 1 syn for a venison burger, mushrooms onions and slimming world chips. Excited already J
6 syns all together today, not three bad. Tomorrow might be strange, as I've only got ONE alpen light left - and I've no milk for cereal etc. Maybe I'll syn the alpen light I have with breakfast and then pick some milk up after work. Although if I'm headed Tescoway anyhow, I may as well pick more alpens up and then make it a full hex. Go to town on some some oatly too, mmhm. No hexa for 3 days so far, I've earnt a big glass! Pleased with how I've just gone straight into it this week though. Sausage Mash veg & gravy for tea tomorrow, looking forward to it - will have millions of things to do too though!
Little over syns today due to having sausages (low syn) a couple of yorkshire puddings and a bit of chocolate, but well earnt and line drawn! Tomorrow I'm going to be low syn again, then sat will be my 'have pie and wine on weekend away' night. Making sugar free jelly for tomorrow after work / before I go, taking alpen lights and some fruit with me, and will be drinking water all weekend (aside from the wine...) I'm motivated to stay low syn (though I expect I've caught up a bit now) to try and get something off on Monday :)
OK. Food stuff looks good, but screw that! lol The boy/marriage talk is awesome! And I don't think it's too quick, people who don't know each other before they get together get engaged and stuff quicker than this. And yeah, you've known him for bloody ever :D Squeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bighug:
Oh I had totally missed the marriage talk.... Divulge more!!! :)
My weekend was amazing. Off plan but tried to make mostly wise choices. (Should that be wine? ;)) Although presented with cheese sandwiches for dinner on Saturday and no options, I ended up asking for bread and making a crisp one, because an apple and banana weren't cutting it for 4 hours singing and some dancing! If I gain a little today I can handle it, I had the most amazing weekend with the women and I feel so good, I can't explain it - it's like having 35 sisters I share the most wonderful stuff with.

Oh Haha! Basically we spoke quite early into our relationship about marriage, and that although both of us were unsure prior to being together about the idea of it, we knew we wanted to do it. In fact, R was the first to tell me he wanted to marry me one day! There's no proposal or anyhitng, that will come in time when we have money, but we've basically started garnering ideas for ceremony / reception etc, picked our people, decided approximately when. He's mentioned this (apart from the 'when') to his mum, who has been telling the family (!) and they're offering help doing invitations and whatnot - it won't be til 2014 I think cus we need time to save even though we aim to spend less than 3k (though I'd do it tomorrow with no fancy business if possible!) We both know this is it, he waited for me to come around because he knew he loved me before I was able to admit how I felt even to myself. I've never been one to swan about daydreaming about things like this, I've had to limit myself internally to 'wedding wednesday' when I allow myself to google and pinterest my heart out (I get over excited / enthusiastic quite easily!)
.5lb on this week, after my weekend etc that's pretty much what I expected, so I'm happy :) Just under 3 weeks to convention, so 2 weigh ins before my weekend away and I want to do some serious losing. As I managed 3 days last week on 5 syns or thereabouts, I'm gonna aim for that til the weekend. And super superfree. Innit.

Now, gammon steak, boiled potatoes and some veg for tea. oh yeah!
First of all, well done in the small gain and accepting it so well.

Second of all, wedding plans sound good - and if u put feelers out there ppl will lend u stuff!
I have already lent some of my stuff out to 2 other weddings!!
I've got 90 black tea-light candle holders, huge black and white bows (used for aisle ends) large glass bowls (used for pick and mix) and 8 goldfish bowls - table centres.

If u want any of this stuff closer to the time let me know!?

Can u tell I had black and white colour theme?! Lol well hubby had a tiny bit of red but he was the only one! - made him feel special ha xx
Thanks Cai – I think people will you That’s dead kind of you, bless yr heart x And Chinch - yeah, funny isn’t it! Think of us both a couple of years ago, heck 6 months ago to now! :)

Yeah I think a small gain like that is nothing in the grand scheme, I mean obviously I've not had a great losses for the last few months, but evidently I’ve been slack and sabotaged myself sometimes so I didn’t deserve them really!. I had planned 15lb by NY, with 15 weeks that seemed easy, with 11 (including convention in 3 weeks and my 30[SUP]th[/SUP] not long after) perhaps it’s not quite so! Still, I told my con I want 1 off, because 1 is steady and fine. I’m going to hope for more – but I didn’t want to be like other people in the group setting themselves ¾ as a target when I can never guarantee loss like that!

Today I’ve had

1x alpen light (1/2 hexb)
Pasta in tomatoey sauce with chicken (at work, guessing on 1.5 syns as a precaution – the sauce was only a tiny portion)
2 x banana, 2x apple
SF redbull.

Tea will probably be sw chips, 2 x synfree veg sausage (those linda Mc ones) onions mushrooms and beans. And an egg for the OH. A choc soya dessert shake for 3.5 syns, and my other alpen light either when I get in, or for during my break at chorus.

Am lacking the hexa but can’t find a way to fit it in today – will buy some choc oatley on Thursday and have a couple of portions to make up for it! Out of interest, though I know it’s not strictly legit, do you think I could sort of consider my soya shake thingy as my hexa, as it’s soya milk. Hmm.
I've got the free Linda McCartney ones. Haven't quite decided if I like them yet and BLOODY HELL they're expensive. £2 a box?! :eek: Hope I manage to find them on offer somewhere lol
You never know mate, you might still get to your NY goal. Just see what happens :)
They really are expensive, aren't they? They do them in the Tesco I go to, so I just suck it up and buy them - unlike you thoughI'm not a veggie so sometimes I'll have meat sausages for syns to save money ;)

Last night I had that soya choc thing (which I'm classing my hex a even though it's technically a tweak) and a magic elf (3.5 syns) and a flump (1.5 syns) so theoretically I'm around 6/7 syns for the day which isn't bad. I only had half my hexb too, so s'all good. Need more superfree so today I've got a box of grapes with me, and will attempt to get a salad for lunch (if it looks appealing). We're having a nandos for tea I think so will really have to make up the superfree in fruit rather than owt else!

You never know indeed, we'll see! As long as I can kickstart some losses this week all will be well - perhaps the nerves for convention etc will help!
Hope u've had a good evening xx
Cinema and nandos was fab. The downside to eating so early, I found myself craving sweets - I had a time out (2 sticks, gasp!) but that's nothing in the grand scheme of the week, so it's all good. Making jelly tonight for tomorrow, and picked some fruit up on the way home :) The city centre is lit up and there's ambient music and I felt a first glimmer of that xmas-y magic. Happy girl. If i could only magically decide what to do for my birthday now everything would be perfect!
Took a half day off work, think the tiredness has caught up with me and I just wasn't feeling quite myself. Popped into Thorntons on the way home and got a bag of Peppermint Cremes for £2, 2 syns each so I've had two and put the rest away. Got some choc oatly (yay) and some jelly in the fridge for a nice sweet treat later. Lunch will be bacon sarnie - gonna aim at a red day somehow (or wangle / call it mix to match)
I ****ed up last night, had several of those sweets rather than the two I intended for. I need to cut the crap now and get back to it, because i've dicked about for too long. I'm sure I'm eating choc etc because money stuff is stressing em, I need to stop. I'm annoyed with myself presently, because I've lost my ability to show restraint - and I want this so much I just can't find the switch I need to flick.
I keep saying 'that's it now' and then itisn't because I'll buy some sweets or something and I can't do moderation / don't seem to have willpower. I've had enough of it, I'm not throwing in the towel - i know exactly what to do I just keep veering off. It's not happening now, I absolutely need to kick my own ass superhard or I'll never make any positive progress. I want 1lb off tonight when I weigh in, but frankly if I maintain I ought to be happy. It's so frustrating, I keep saying the right thing to myself and in group, but then I don't do it. It was easier before, because when I lived with my ex he just wouldn't have anything sweet in the house, whereas my boy loves biccies with his tea, and then sweets now and again and before you know it....

Well I'm tired of this, I've spent 4 weeks of my 6 week countdown doing sod all, and I can't be putting this money in to get nothing out of it, so that's it. This week I'm going to write everything down, I'm gonna take some SAS lists and a success express brochure off my C (will try to fit a couple of SE days in) and see what I can do. I'm away then 26 - 28th at convention and will have limited control over the food (eating in the hotel) but will try to reign myself in somewhat. Urgh, I'm just so frustrated. I know SW is right for me, i just can't seem to get my hands to obey my brain and put the damn ***** down!

ETA: On the plus side, with the walking into town I did this weekend instead of getting the bus. I've earnt my Bronze Body Magic award. So that's nice. Something positive for tonight at least
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Bugger me, that also means I've got club 20 (were it to exist) and I'm no longer death fat, just right fat! AMAZING. Feeling PRETTY good tbh!