Right. I am still a bit edgy about saying it but I think I have this 14st curse licked. If I can lose another 3lb this week it'll take me to 13st 8lb. Which will mean about 3 weeks of being under 14st without freaking out and bingeing, leading to me gaining until I get to 14st again.. Stupid head. But I am so happy to be back in the driving seat and losing.. Today I got a smaller uniform size because my uniform was ridiculously big. Even the size smaller still allows plenty of room for layers etc. Yay!
Good day today. I was very proud of myself, cos I was so so tired and hungry but had to stop at sains to get eggs & stuff (my staple breakfast!). I bought myself a little pack of fruit and not one bit of chocolate or unhealthy stuff. Then when I got home I controlled my hunger, had one bowl of porridge and felt back to a controllable level of hunger - I had been almost getting to the faint stage. Proud of myself for not going overboard.
Oooh and I also bought myself 2 pairs of funky new trainers! One's quite retro I think - tan leather with cream nike tick & bronze colour heels.. I think they're ugly in a really cool way. The other is kinda denim materially. Anyway, very shiny!
Most weeks, especially towards the start of the week I am not so focused with weight loss.. This week I am starting my focus earlier so I'm hoping to get at least 3lb if not 4lb off. It's fantastic to be able to see the end in sight with my weight loss. I know that I want to get to 12st 7lb eventually. That's 18lb away. Conveniently it also takes me to the 50lb overall weight loss mark - which it'd be amazing to get to. So, that's my secondary goal. My primary focus at the moment is getting off 11lb in one month! One month tomorrow and I have that stylist session - I really want to be within a few lbs of goal by then.. I've worked out it is possible - lose 3lb a week for 4 weeks, = 12lb. If I lose more then it's just all a bonus really.
The other reason I want to focus more at the moment and get as much off as poss, is that with my high energy outgoings it means I can still enjoy some treats as part of my diet, which makes it easier to stick to.. It's working so far anyway. Also, in the last 2 months I've lost about 1stone

it's a cool feeling. I'd put lots of holiday squatters on, but now I've lost them all and more.