>>> The 2012 Six Stone Challenge Thread <<<

Hi guys in joining with 84lbs to loose! I will do this!!! Good luck all! X
Claire I dread to think how much weight I've out on in these last 2 weeks (I'm on annual leave) and I KNOW I've put on weight because my top was tight this morning when I put it in... :eek: like you, I'm planning on making my food diary for the week and Monday I'm on it like peanut butter on toast! Haha

rialrees said:
Poor claire *hugs* I'm sure you'll be fine hun, just get back on it and plan as best as you can. I hate being sick - some people can't stomach food when they're ill, but i'm the other way around - I have to eat everything in sight! Good luck, I hope you feel better soon. xxx

Thought I'd just pop in quickly and post my planned food for today, as I'm not sure when I'll be back online. Hopefully later tonight, but that depends on my daughter (currently cooking in her playhouse!) taking her to tescos soon for some squash and fruit. She's begging me for biccies so I suppose I could get her some rusks - helps that i cant stand the things!

Food Diary:
Extra Easy
(Italics = Planned food)

[*]B/F:Bacon, Mushrooms, Scrambled Egg with Spinach, Baked Beans, Tomato Ketchup (2)
[*]Lunch: Leftover Three Bean Chilli (Butter Beans, Red Kidney Beans, Black Eyed Beans, Onion, Tinned Tomatoes, Peppers, Cayenne Pepper, Paprika) with Rice
[*]Dinner: Turkey Burgers (Lean Turkey Mince, Onion, Courgette, Spices) with Slimming World Chips and Red Pepper Salsa (Red Peppers, Cherry Tomatoes, Lime Juice (0.5) )
[*]Snacks:Banana,Clementine, Apple, 2 x Alpen Light Bar (HEX B) Milk throughout the day (HEX A)
[*]Treat: We'll see!

Total Syns: 2.5 (allowing me for loads of syns for some vodka tonight :D )

Hello darling- how are you feeling today?

I'm going to make your soup tomorrow.. How do you make your chilli? Is it a one pot wonder again? :giggle:

fatbgone said:
Ooo rialrees your brekkie sounds lovely and feel better soon Claire!!

I'm not going for a run.. my bodys so tired. 16 nights working back to back, 2 nights to go until my night off. Woop. The amount of walking I've done tho I'm hoping it'll show. I might go for a walk tomorrow daytime with my son / Monday morning.

Had an apple for brekkie and just had tagiatelle pasta with courgette, mushrooms and chopped tomatoes. 4 superfree down, yay. Going to have salad for tea from subway, just too tired to cook. Off for a snooze now while my sons at his daddys, so if I get to sleep now I should get an hour to keep me going :) atkeast I'm not working afternoons today too!

I'll pop in while at work later :):)

BTW rialrees your blog kept me entertained at work last night! I loved it, you're an excellent writer :)

Well done on the SF Hun! X

rialrees said:
Aww thanks FBG! It's a lot of fun to write, keeps me occupied :D I'm sure all the walking / running about you've done at work will count for some body magic! :D

On the subject of the great Icecream meltathon last night, I posted the link to reddit, as I tend to do for most of my blog posts. One member started up a conversation with me which just goes to show how many people just dont get it.

A stressful day, A tub of Ben & Jerry's, and a Slimming World Diet. What could possibly go wrong? : food


EDIT: Going to have to make some small adjustments to my plans for tonight - we have friends coming over. Still planning on making burgers but they're bringing cupcakes :/ Will have to estimate syns and go from there, but all should be fine. I barely had any syns yesterday so it works well if I carry them over from there :)

I understand why they would have said that if you weren't trying to lose weight, but that's just such a silly thing to say when you know that someone is battling with weight loss.. Ignore them hun!

fatbgone said:
Yummmmm.. cupcakes!!! I want details hehe.. enjoy it and use it as your syns and you'll be fine :)

I'm feeling pretty proud tonight! Had another green day, start work in an hour so had my veggie tagiatelle and just had a massive salad sooo superfree as follows;
Red currants

.... Eeek. So proud of myself :)

Syns stand at 9.5 for 2 x meringue and to cover dressing. Still have my heb so after work i ll have a slice of bread with marmite (no spread) and a freddo. Wooohooo.

Feel really pleased I've stuck to it today. Hope this continues over next couple of days and then hopefully weigh in will be fabulous come Tuesday :)

I know you will have a good loss xx

gabster15 said:
Hi guys in joining with 84lbs to loose! I will do this!!! Good luck all! X


Hey.. How are you? Welcome to the gang!!

Tell us a little about yourself x
I feel as big as a house now. Need to get back on the wagon now.

Don't care what weight I'm going to be on Monday- but what I will care about is losing it.

My mini goal is my 4th year anniversary and I want to be 3 stones lighter by then.


22 weeks
42 lbs in total

I want to be 17.5 stones by then.

I need to be.

To much eating rubbish now.

No excuses.

I have my treadmill being delivered.


No excuses now.

I need you guys proper now..
Rozie, we're here! Get up in the morning and start the day off nice and healthy and take it from there x
Roziee said:
WLW- dont buy any ice cream anymore. Simple. If its home, it'll be eaten.. That's what happens with me so unless it's going to be eaten by someone else I don't buy naughty stuff anymore..

You've eaten it now do don't worry, just continue to be really good and you'll be fine x

I know, "can't eat, won't buy" is my new motto when i'm out shopping!

Had a much better end to today, just done an hour & half on the wii, made the mushy pea curry to take to work tonight and have done an online shop for only the good stuff, much less tempting when you don't see the deals on the naughty stuff lol, so i'm all set for a better week!

Unfortunately, my weigh in is on monday evening and i believe Ben & Jerry may be clinging to my hips when i hop on the scales!

Also, are we doing a water challenge? I remember seeing it mentioned a few times but i couldn't find any of the posts :S

Anyway, hope everyone is well! i'm off for a shower & then bed, absolutely shattered so I cannot wait...z z z Z Z Z Z
Whatlieswithin - Yep water challenge and 7 superfree a day :) although I'm flagging at the water! Back on the water today tho. I get weighed mondays too however mines out back to Tuesday due to bank holiday. Have to say I moan about Monday wi day but it keeps me on the straight and narrow usually at weekends! Which is a help as otherwise Id defo cheat. Do you find that? Don't worry about the ben and jerrys! :)

Roziee I know you can do it. When I had a wobble after my birthday in Feb it lasted 3 weeks and i remember saying to myself just do one week. One week stick to plan and if you don't loose / enjoy it then leave. And I lost 6lb that week! Everything I'd gained. So roziee, tell yourself to give it your all between now and next wi and remember that feeling on the scales. Always go in half stone targets too.. don't think I want to loose 3/4/5/6 stone think I'm aiming for my next half a stone. If I was too get to the "ideal" I'd have 7 stone 10.5 to go and if I thought that well it'd seem like a never ending marathon. Small targets ... You're going to do this. And we re all here doing it with you :) :hugs:

Apple alpen light and cherry mullerlight for brekkie. Off to the local pottery to do some painting! My son loves it for all of 30 minutes hehe. So I'm going to do an extra easy plate, he's painting a rocket!

Run out of veggies/fruit so having jacket with some frozen cod and frozen veg for lunch and salad again for tea before work at 7 :)

Love.this.thread... Such a good feeling about it now :):)
Thank you ladies.. Well I lost 6 stone just before the birth of my eldest (Isabella) then very quickly went on to have my boy (Isaac) 13 months after bar.. I haven't put the full 6 back on but wasn't at my goal when she was
gabster15 said:
Thank you ladies.. Well I lost 6 stone just before the birth of my eldest (Isabella) then very quickly went on to have my boy (Isaac) 13 months after bar.. I haven't put the full 6 back on but wasn't at my goal when she was born as going for an all round 6 stone once again.. I did it before I will do it again! I have an under active thyroid but that's been controlled for a while now.. I'm day 6 in & no mess ups yet! WI tomorrow hoping to see some lb's dropping off! Xx
Well my unwellness is a chest infection which u now have antibiotics for. Still intend on being on plan all week but there will be no exercise for me lol.

I need ideas for breakfasts. Anyone? Lol.

xClaire84x said:
Well my unwellness is a chest infection which u now have antibiotics for. Still intend on being on plan all week but there will be no exercise for me lol.

I need ideas for breakfasts. Anyone? Lol.


Brekkie ideas I have are

-My heb porridge I mix into a mullerlight vanilla or banana and custard and leave it overnight and then have it cold with berries Yumm!
- alpen light 1xheB with an Apple or mullerlight
- 2 slices of ww bread with poached eggs and tomatoes
- tomatoes, mushrooms and Bacon/sausages
- sausage and fried egg sarnie with fruit for agrees
- mushroom and cheese heA omlette
- big bowl of frozen berries (defrosted over night so much cheaper and more variety ) with a bit of canderel on top and a vanilla muller with choc spribkles

Yummmm :)
Absolutely at death's door, I swear it. Been up all night vomiting, and have diarhhea... stomach cramps are killing me. Seems we've all caught the stomach bug that the baby had a few days ago.

haven't eaten a thing today. The only food I can actually imagine eating without retching is ice-cream so that's what I'm going to settle for.
Well my unwellness is a chest infection which u now have antibiotics for. Still intend on being on plan all week but there will be no exercise for me lol.

I need ideas for breakfasts. Anyone? Lol.


Porrage with fruit over and a yog on top, huge filling bowl.

omlette with hex of cheese and ham with mushrooms and beans

fave for me heaps of back bacon, 2 slices bread normal w/meal loaf and smidge of clover light and tom sauce (4 syns) bowl of fruit salad and yog to follow.

2 boiled eggs, hex b of bread,smidge clover grapefruit and banana (1 syn)

crakerbread (i syn each) with ham/quark/cottage cheese etc and fruit and a muller with some of the milk allowance to make a milkshake
Those all sound yummy :).

Any ideas of something I can take to work too as we don't have a microwave or anything at work :(

Claire x
I hope you both feel better claire and mandy :hug99:

Could you all please take a look at my food diary for the coming week and tell me where I can improve on stuff? Its for Monday-Friday.

Aiming for minimum of 3 lbs. I will have my treadmill on wednesday hopefully so will start that too.

Please be honest, give it to me :D if its crap, tell me! hehe x

Rozie x


2 toast (hex b + 2 syns),
Philly light (3 syns)
Omelette with onions and tomoto
1 pint nas squash

1 cup green tea with mint


Macaroni cheese made with mix veg (hex a)
Salad- lettuce, cucumber, tomotoe
1 pint nas squash

Apples x2
clementines x3

Quorn sausages x 2 (2 syns)
Mash with philly (3 syns)
Mixed veg
Gravy (5 syns)
1 pint nas squash

1 cup of green tea



2 toast (hex b + 2 syns)
Margarine (5 syns)
FF yogurt

1 cup green tea with mango

Macaroni cheese made with mix veg (hex a)
Salad- lettuce, cucumber, tomotoe
1 pint nas squash

Chicken curry (lots of onions and tomoto)
Salad- lettuce, cucumber, tomoto and carrots

1 cup green tea with berries



Shredded wheat (hex b)
Milk (hex a)
Sugar (3 syns)

1 cup green tea with mango

chicken and veg soup (onions, turnip, carrots, leeks)
1 pint water

Chicken curry (lots of onions and tomoto)
Salad- lettuce, cucumber, tomoto and carrots

1 cup green tea with berries



Fruit with ff yogurt
2 toast (hex b + 2 syns)
Margarine (5 syns)

1 cup green tea with mango

itsu salmon salad
1 pint water

Sw chips
Salad (lettuce, cucumber, tomoto, sweetcorn)
Gravy (5 syns)
1 pint nas squash



Shredded wheat (hex b)
Milk (hex a)
Sugar (5 syns)

1 cup green tea with mango

Cous cous
Mixed veg
Parsley sauce (5 syns)
1 pint water


Pasta bologne (tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, kidney beans, carrots)
1 pint nas squash

1 cup green tea

Claire thats pants that you dont have anything to warm your food with. What facilities do you have?
Roziee, thats looks pretty good. The only thing I would say, being very honest here, when I have an omlette, I would never have two slices toast as well but instead fruit and a very low ww yog or something. At the end of the day, calories is what is making us lose/gain and I do look at that side of it too in a generalistic way. Also portion control comes into play with the diet, I really believe that. I know they say fill your boots but I only do that with superfree, I would never lose if I had for example heaps and heaps of rice etc but thats an individual thing I think. If you focus your diet on fruit and veg and take it from there you cant go wrong and also I try and look at weightloss as a monthly thing and aim for half a stone a month.My losses are never consistant, I can lose 1lb on a week I deserve 4lbs and 4lbs on a week I deserve 1lb so I take each month and try and lose that 7lbs.Also I do go off the rails myself. I had exactly what I wanted on Fri eve, steak and all the trimmings and cremem brulee BUT was ultra good for the breakfast and lunch that day and woke up the following morning straight back on plan declined her birthday cake today. I used to be in a very greedy mindset but that has gone now and I do seem to balance things alot better. I tell myself, I am alone responsible for what goes in my mouth and what it does to my body. Good luck and lots of love xxxx

Good luck!
Also, I used to use alot of syns for extra milk for tea and coffee but then found, Alpro soya light you get 500mls on a he x as it's very very low in cals. It's really lovely and worth a try? It comes in 1litre cartons and that has to last 2 days and I love it, no measuring etc and very creamy!