Mandy, I would have been really peed off if someone was so blatently not following the diet yet being given these awards. He's not even remotely following it!
I know, I know i shouldnt scale hop but i'm showing a gain this week

. I have been really on track and even check my cals a couple of days a week to make sure all is ok. I am due star week so I am pretty sure thats what it is but it's so frustrating. I seem to randomly lose, there is no regularity to it except I seem to have a small loss followed by a big one the following week. Does anyone else find that and then no loss on star week?
I know I have to look at the whol months loss but I am giving it 1000 % and feel frustrated when others at group describe eating or drinking way over and still losing! It's not as if i'm a bloody twig either I'm 19 stone!!!!