The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

thanks both, I am going to give mostly red days a go this week to see if that helps.

I use Fibregel Black Widow and I do reckon that's part of the problem. I have been like this for weeks now, I think it's something to do with the big bean week I had a few weeks ago, I did a few bean casseroles and I should know better because beans totally bung me up haha TMI I know.

Anyway feeling a lot more positive than yesterday and its off to work I go, see you later peeps xx
Howdy all, am back home. Really not feeling the motivation to exercise thpugh, so really gonna have to force myself these next few days. Plus music has suffered for a few months so gonna have to reslly focus on that!
Get on your bike Aesir!!!!

Well, ive had a busy day rushing around and then going to get my monitor so i've only managed 13 tonight, that and my usual kettle which I really must increase!!! Just so dam tiring isn't it! Perhaps thats why I only managed 13 on the bike, usually i'd do kettle after and not before.
Lucy, to go back to our earlier conversation.. i gained a pound :( devastated, and in major sulk mode!

does anyone think it could be to do with me going from small amounts of exercise to exercising pretty much every day this week? or am i clutching at straws? my friend who comes to class with me lost 3lbs (what i was secretly dreaming i might get!) so of course I was gutted. Another lady at class has done same as me and she STS.. so was thinking could be related.... i'm probably just dreaming! ah well - gotta keep going i suppose :)
Exercise can lead to fluid retention and muscle gain, so its a very real possibility. I know lots of people that up the exercise and have to wait a few weeks to see the results.

If its any consolation I anticipate a bigger gain than you! And I have piano exam pieces to prepare and 2 concert pieces (not big concerts lol, still very much a novice!) so exercise will not be a major focus these next few weeks :(

If interested, this is the piece which this week will be replacing my exercise lol:

Bella's Lullaby OFFICIAL Piano Only! Composed by Carter Burwell, played by Stan Whitmire - YouTube
i looked at it and thought.. i wonder if its twilight related.. and it IS :D class choice!

and i hope it wont replace ALL your exercise? surely you can make a bronze week? 3 x 15mins? :D x
Lol I love the piece. I wanted pieces that were touching, tug at the heart strings, and this one sounds hopeful, haunting, passionate and loving. And a little sad and lonely in parts, feels quite vulnerable. Love it love it love it lol! Struggling to find the second piece though, need one that goes well with this but is shorter.

I will have to find some time to exercise. Tomorrow is piano on lunchbreak, then SW after. Wed I work a half day so could do some then, and maybe thursday after work. Piano aaalllll day friday, saturday and sunday lol. Gotta fit violin in there somewhere too though thats less important. Bye bye social life :D
what social life? ;) just kidding!

you'll manage it im sure :) good luck for SW tomorrow x
Oh how come?? Are you ok with that?? I mean I'd hate to lose my consultant!!

Oh, so, 4.5 on, how do you feel about that if it is right? Have you got any of your own scales to check??
I'll miss Kim, she was really excellent. But Linda seems really nice too. I'm sure it'll all be fine!!

I'm ok with the gain. I gain so easily so quickly so I know gains will usually be big for me. I lost 4lbs last week so I'm really only half a pound heavier over 2 weeks :)

I haven't had my head in the right place lately. Not for losing weight. But I'm gonna try and get properly back on track tomorrow and do some decent exercise before practice time.
why did the old one leave? I hated my old consultant, she never knew my name and i got texts all the time to 'bring a friend' i just felt like a number rather than a person.

My new one is amazing :) shes really socially awkward and she laughs in all the wrong moments but shes just so canny you cant help but really like her. I think everyone else feels the same because we have around 30 members stay to class and around 10 of them are men :)
Kim had to leave because this is Lindas first group. New consults get whichever group they want, means the old consult has to leave :(
That's crap :(

20mins on exercise bike for me yesterday xx
1/2 off guys, weeny bit gutted as I've been so much better than previous weeks, never mind its still a loss.

Onwards and Upwards!

No BM for me, i'm rough as heck with a horrid cold so taking it easy for a few nights, in fact I was in bed at 8 last night - Boring!!!
ahhh hope you feel better soon - lots of horrid coughs and colds going round atm - ask Aesir to recommend something for you? :D he'll know!

i did the KettleWorx 10min Fast Fat Burn.. dying :p x
hours swim for me tonight :) x