The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

Is the pain at the achillis yendon or further up closer to your calves? It feels about an inch from the floor Do you run on pavement?Pavement Do you run in proper running shoes? Yes When your feet hit the ground is it the heel or balls of your feet that strike first?I think when I run with the pram that my running isn't as controlled and i'm feeling a little flat footed Do you stretch after? Yes and before

Sorry for all the questions lol! You really don't want to pop your achillis lol!

Thats a lot of questions!!! I've tried to answer them above..
Its easing as the day goes on, running alone tomorrow so we shall see how I go but if it hurts I won't push it.
Your achillis pain will flare up then start to feel better. But it isn't getting better lol. Try not to run on pavement. I was running into all sorts of trouble til I stopped pavement running.

Try standing on your bottom stair so your heel hangs over the edge. Then lower yourself til you feel the stretch. Hold for ten secs. Repeat 3 times twice a day :)
That sucks, pavement is evil lol. To me anyway but I do weight more than twice as much as you!

Race day! Come on, under 35mins!!!!
Yes I remember in 2009 that once i'd stopped running for a few months that the knee pain started, especiallyg oing down stairs or doen hill. We climbed Snowdon and coming down was hell for me! It should of been the best bit!

Wishing you loads of luck for your race, cant wait to hear from you both later!
We're finished! And not dead! 36 mins for me, 50 for widow. It was so hot!!! Like painfully hot. We're back at mine now refueling on high carb high protein food!!
We're finished! And not dead! 36 mins for me, 50 for widow. It was so hot!!! Like painfully hot. We're back at mine now refueling on high carb high protein food!!

Well done you two! :D

I joined ya in the heat, went out to try and beat my time and did my usual 3.22 mile in 36.10 mins so i'm slowly getting faster with a pace of 11.16 min'mile.

If I could get under 11 mins i'll be chuffed!

I also am having a treat tonight and going ever so slightly off plan, having a lovely salad but with some 50% less fat coleslaw that'll still be high in syns and of corse a glass of pino! :cool:

When's the next run then??? ;)
i did say that he should say 'I' - i had no say in this 'we' business! :p

i was too busy eating carbs to know what was posted until it was too late :D

looking up follow up races as we speak - I have plenty of time to shave off my time! xx
You had some ice on them Lucy??

Thank RK :D
After a run, ok next time I will!

I've had some exciting news tonight guys....

We've had an offer on our house! Its bang on what we wanted too!!!!
fantastic news! fingers crossed for you that it all goes smoothly now :D xxx