The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

At the gym 5 or 6 times a week. Have a PT session every 5 days or so. My trainer is awesome, really good at his job!

Start my fitness and exercise instruction degree soon, student loan has gone through, can't wait!!!!
Well ive managed 1 day on a diet. A whole one with no cut corners! Pretty damn proud of that :)
It is when youre sat sipping on a diet coke and all you can hear is Matty snarfing a large popcorn.. So you miss a fair part of the film shouting NO RACHAEL DONT EAT ANY! :rofl:
Well done thats amazing! Im aiming for an average 1lb a week til xmas - so just under a stone and a half :) anything extra will be a bonus!

Are you still enjoying your chicken and turkey? :) xxx
I still love slimming world burgers.. Dunno what theyll be like on WW.. Have you seen the hairy dieters show? They did some tikka marinated chicken that im going to have a go at tonight - looks lush! :) matty wants his with chips, going to do mine with a crispy jacket :D i love food!
Evening both!!!

Another 30mins running tonight, it friggin hurt soooo bad but I beat my distance from monday and burnt an extra 50cals, well thats what the treadmill said anyways!!!
thats great Lucy! i need to get back into the running.. but i never found a love for it, unlike you and Dan!

Dan, can you have the nandos peri peri sauce? Just had chicken breast in it for tea and its lush, and low cal according to the label :) x
Yeah totally. I'm not restricting anything, just being really sensible. I had venison burgers from morrisons for tea and they were GORGEOUS!!

Well done Lucy! Do you have the treadmil on incline 1?
Yes. If you have no incline the treadmill does all the work for you. An inclune of 1 mimics outdoor running, things like ground level and wind resistance etc. Get that incline up girl!
Hate incline of 1 :( feels so much harder - my pt makes me do it. I know its better for me but i hate most things that are :D haha!
Incline 1 on fri here I come then!!!!!!! Cheers for the info.

Oh my goodnight Daniel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That frickin hurt something cronic!!!!!!

Oh well stop moaning lucy, you ran further, and on incline 1 meaning more cals burnt!!! Now where's the wine....... ;-)
Exactly! And you think you worked hard before! Gotta become comfortable with being uncomfortable! Separate mind and body. Your body is a machine, it'll try to trick your mind into stopping. Dont give in to your body's temper tantrum. Just keep saying you can. Mind has gotta take the lead over the body!
Makes total sense, I got to 10 mins and thought sod this can't do it and just overcome the thoughts and pushed through the pain barrier!

Have you done any boxing?