The Countdown Has Begun...

Ahahaha that's ace! I've been watching Man v Food and Cake Boss today while pretending to work from home to help curb my cake craving....not helping! Xx

Oh it's because you just had a wee taste when you were ring shopping I bet. The physiological cravings are terrible at times :(. Mines always bread x
Oh it's because you just had a wee taste when you were ring shopping I bet. The physiological cravings are terrible at times :(. Mines always bread x

Im ruddy starving today and just wanna fill my face with carbs! Hate the mental gymnastics :eek:
Fight off the mean food demon - kick him where it hurts! :)
Fight off the mean food demon - kick him where it hurts! :)

Youre right Sammy...I've kicked him hard lol

bizarrely I've kept myself busy by cooking! All treats for OH....I'm slightly obsessed with food today methinks :eek:
I find the psychological hunger worse than physical hunger. The longer I'm on it the more food obsessed I become. Then when I give in, it's never as nice as I imagined x

I know exactly what you mean! Right now if I was at a buffet I would die of shovelling food down my throat...but equally I know its not worth's mentally exhausting....trying to find an thinspiration outfit to motivate me for 4th December (OHs birthday)....I keep looking at comfy jumpers and cardies though haha! Xx
I know exactly what you mean! Right now if I was at a buffet I would die of shovelling food down my throat...but equally I know its not worth's mentally exhausting....trying to find an thinspiration outfit to motivate me for 4th December (OHs birthday)....I keep looking at comfy jumpers and cardies though haha! Xx

I always think when I stop I'm going to gain every pound I've lost in a few hours food frenzy. I can while away hours day dreaming about what I'm going to have!
Oh you have to get a va va voom outfit to show off your new shape. Comfy jumpers and cardigans are for the house. Not the oh's birthday ;) z
I always think when I stop I'm going to gain every pound I've lost in a few hours food frenzy. I can while away hours day dreaming about what I'm going to have!
Oh you have to get a va va voom outfit to show off your new shape. Comfy jumpers and cardigans are for the house. Not the oh's birthday ;) z

Im convinced I'm gonna go nuts when I come off this diet and literally shovel none stop....there's so much I've already got planned to eat....I wanna sit down and have a variety of takeaways be delivered in one evening....but I have to make sure they don't arrive at the same time so they don't think I'm a fat pig haha!

i know the outfit should be va va voom but I just wanna buy comfy jumpers or pjs and hibernate funny business round here I tell you lol xx
Im convinced I'm gonna go nuts when I come off this diet and literally shovel none stop....there's so much I've already got planned to eat....I wanna sit down and have a variety of takeaways be delivered in one evening....but I have to make sure they don't arrive at the same time so they don't think I'm a fat pig haha! i know the outfit should be va va voom but I just wanna buy comfy jumpers or pjs and hibernate funny business round here I tell you lol xx

I call the take away menu's my recipe books :). Can't beat a good takeaway. Followed of course by something sweet.
As soon as I get in from work I'm straight into my pjs. My oh hates them. Them and leggings make him heave. My wardrobe staples haha. Funny business, what's that haha x
I love my pj's too! My bf laughs because I take my dress/ bra etc off before my shoes I'm so desperate to get out of my clothes when I get home!
I call the take away menu's my recipe books :). Can't beat a good takeaway. Followed of course by something sweet.
As soon as I get in from work I'm straight into my pjs. My oh hates them. Them and leggings make him heave. My wardrobe staples haha. Funny business, what's that haha x

Lol they make him heave!

Menus are your recipe books haha...I love justeat website....perfect food porn to me!

What is funny business I wonder? That would require xx
I love my pj's too! My bf laughs because I take my dress/ bra etc off before my shoes I'm so desperate to get out of my clothes when I get home!


If I'm working from home, then I will get out of my pjs to have a then get into a fresh pair of pjs...the best clothing ever!
Moving and removing our pjs. Just naw lol x

Pmsl I am a waster and proud :cool:

i own waaaaay too many pjs....and if I have to leave the house then its leggings and big cardies....easy transition clothing...tomorrow I have to dress like I have a job though...uggghh!
Pmsl I am a waster and proud :cool: i own waaaaay too many pjs....and if I have to leave the house then its leggings and big cardies....easy transition clothing...tomorrow I have to dress like I have a job though...uggghh!

I too have loads if pyjamas. I love them. I wear leggings and dresses all year round. I'm
Jealous cause I have to dress like I have a job 5 days a week. Boo. Wish I worked from home x
I too have loads if pyjamas. I love them. I wear leggings and dresses all year round. I'm
Jealous cause I have to dress like I have a job 5 days a week. Boo. Wish I worked from home x

Oh good its not just me shuffling around pjs....I hate people wanting to come round coz that would require me to get dressed haha!

Working from home makes you sooo lazy about getting dressed...such hardship....why are leggings and pjs not allowed in the office eh?
Oh good its not just me shuffling around pjs....I hate people wanting to come round coz that would require me to get dressed haha! Working from home makes you sooo lazy about getting dressed...such hardship....why are leggings and pjs not allowed in the office eh?

You've got to shuffle in pjs haven't you lol.
I sneakily wear leggings to work in this cold weather by zipping them into my boots and wearing a dress on top. Better than some of the sights I see at work. Pale coloured trousers that you can see people's cellulite through. Just wrong. My cellulite is well hidden under layers of clothing x
You've got to shuffle in pjs haven't you lol. I sneakily wear leggings to work in this cold weather by zipping them into my boots and wearing a dress on top. Better than some of the sights I see at work. Pale coloured trousers that you can see people's cellulite through. Just wrong. My cellulite is well hidden under layers of clothing x

I can't begin to tell you about the number of fashion disasters I see at work... Working in a huge 3 story open plan office, must be 1000 people and I'm sure ppl get dressed in the dark! I too sneak leggings on under dresses and boots... Comfy and practical... Tho when I'm out on visits I try to wear trousers etc...
Lol so I am still in my alarm went off at 7.30am....I just couldn't get up....snoozed till 9.30am then decided it was just too much effort and rushing around to get there before a 10.30am conference call that I could do at home....I've told them my cold is still playing up so best they don't catch it and I'm clearly still run down...haha!

needless to say I will not be changing my pjs till I shower to get into a fresh pair...trying not to go into the office till Friday which is leggings under boots and dress's officially dress down day so all sorts of fashion faux pas crawl into the office....the ill fitting gillets are already on show when I go in! Some people were even wearing sandals last Friday...WTH?