Silver Member
I've ordered it from Argos and will pick it up after my shift tomorrow night. Does chicken take long to cook in it? Il need to bar myself from sainsbury incase I purchase potatoes. Or sausages lol.
My oh always says when i loose weight I'm going to leave him for a lady cause he watched a programme about women who lost weight and left there husbands for another man, or indeed, another lady. I hope he's just teasing haha x
Whoop whoop! I've found it's best if I send OH to do the shopping...removes temptation...the potatoes are stashed high up where I can't reach them in my house....oh and I have had a sausage on this diet and it did me no harm...mind was a low carb, gluten/wheat free sausage with a meat content of 97% pork...that's how I justified it to myself....I just had to have it haha!
i dunno if losing weight will make me switch teams...doubt it lol!
next weeks channel 5 fatty spesh is called too fat to I will watch that in a bid to stop craving cupcakes lol x