The diary of a (not so-Little)Sausage

Thanks, Zoe - I needed that! It was devastating and I was FURIOUS last night. It's amazing just how easy it is to not follow the plan 100% when you're bunking down with students, and it's also amazing to find out how quickly you can undo your hard work. I know that half a pound isn't undoing everything, but it's easy to see how you could very quickly fall off the wagon. Losing weight sure does take a lot of brain power.
We might go to Cornwall, I shall see how I feel. It's a long drive for just a few days when you've got to stick a tent up too. All weather dependent though. We try and viva few times a year. Going again for the royal wedding weekend and two weeks planned in August. Am ob call a lot though so hard to get away sometimes. I was hoping to go to Holland this year but cant afford it.

Hmmm, yes, Cornwall is a long way to go. I quite like Chertsey and Horsley for nearby camping. Horsley is a pretty site. Plus, if the weather gets bad, you're not too far from home! x
So, in my haste this morning, I managed to forget my brown rice. Instead, I thought I could get away with some Uncle Ben's express wholegrain rice. 3.5 syns for the packet!!! That is insane. I definitely will not forget my rice again. Eugh.

That means, that with my salad dressing and milk I'm already up to 8.5 syns, and it's not even 1pm. Awesome.

I wanted to keep my syns low this week, but I don't know why I'm so hung up on them. I'm starting to sound neurotic. I've managed on almost no syns in the past. I think I'm going to attempt a SW quiche for supper, and will serve with either salad or veg.
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It still gobsmacks me that even after advice to eat wholemeal etc that the Uncle Ben's white long grain rice is the lowest syns of them all.

I keep a good supply of them in my bottom drawer at work. And the mushroom one (2.5) as I'm addicted to mushrooms
I'll have to stock up on that... for 1 syn, it is so convenient. 3.5 for the brown stuff seems excessive.

I love mushrooms. Will have to look out for that one!
And also. I can't believe how unexcited you seem at the prospect of me doing cartwheels for you.

I'm actually quite hurt

*sob sob*

:p :p

Dude, I only DIDN'T get over excited because that would probably have made me seem a bit weird.

WOOP! WOOP! for cartwheels!

I don't think I've done a cartwheel since I was about 9.

I only have to decide if I care more about never putting on or the prospect or breaking bones.

I may have to downgrade it to a roly poly.


I have NEVER been able to do a roly poly, even though I've looked like one most of my life.
I've done lots of cartwheels in lots of places! Was a gymnast in my youth!!!
Also used to do flick-flaks to show off but I think if I tried either now at my venerable age I'd do myself some serious injury.
Can't wait to see the video Zoe - even if it does get downgraded to a roly-poly!
Pommette said:
I've done lots of cartwheels in lots of places! Was a gymnast in my youth!!!
Also used to do flick-flaks to show off but I think if I tried either now at my venerable age I'd do myself some serious injury.
Can't wait to see the video Zoe - even if it does get downgraded to a roly-poly!

Nah, I was just a pisshead. :)
Hi sausage! Don't you worry about those syns! I think it will all come off this week and you will feel great. But I know how rubbish you feel for pretty much a whole week after a gain. I hope you dont let it spoil your week. Xxxxx
julesm said:
Hi sausage! Don't you worry about those syns! I think it will all come off this week and you will feel great. But I know how rubbish you feel for pretty much a whole week after a gain. I hope you dont let it spoil your week. Xxxxx

Thanks, Jules! Yeah, I think it was just because it was my first gain. I was expecting it, too, after such a hedonistic student weekend! I'm just going to really focus this week, and keep my fingers crossed for a good loss next Monday!

Made a funky SW omelette/quiche for supper tonight. Eggs, low fat cottage cheese with chives, smoked salmon with HEa cheese on top. It was delicious! Had with grilled mushrooms and salad. Will definitely be trying that one again!


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Made a funky SW omelette/quiche for supper tonight. Eggs, low fat cottage cheese with chives, smoked salmon with HEa cheese on top. It was delicious! Had with grilled mushrooms and salad. Will definitely be trying that one again!
Can you post the recipe please. Can't find in any of my books and it looks yummy!

I know how you feel LS - I had a STS and although I'm ok with it, it's my first non-less in 3 months too.
Pommette said:
Can you post the recipe please. Can't find in any of my books and it looks yummy!

I know how you feel LS - I had a STS and although I'm ok with it, it's my first non-less in 3 months too.

I didn't follow a recipe, just remembered reading somewhere about a SW quiche with cottage cheese and eggs! My recipe is as follows:

One regular sized tub of cottage cheese with onion and chives (250g)
6 eggs
Smoked salmon (I think the packet was 120g)

Mix together well. Pour in to pan sprayed with frylight and cook on the hob. I cooked until it was just the egg on top that wasn't done. Then put some cheese on top and stuck it under the grill til cooked through. So simple, and absolutely delicious!
Serves 4, or 3 generously. I had mine with lettuce, tomatoes and grilled mushrooms.

My mum said it was more like a souffle. I wouldn't call it a quiche. Whatever it is, it was good!
Sounds yummy, I do love a good egg based flan/omelette/quiche thing :)
Thanks LS - this is definately to be tried on return from hols!

Keep it up - will see you here again in 2 weeks!