White Tulip
Full Member
Not a good day 'head' wise. Feel quite down, to the point of nearly crying to a sad song on the radio. Hoping it's hormonal as TOTM due early next week but this is a real red light feeling in relation to food. In the past I would have just sat and stuffed myself - with chocolate mostly - when I felt like this.
Me and some colleagues were all given a small gift by someone as a 'thankyou' for helping them through a qualification they had done. All individually wrapped gifts. I thought - please don't let it be food related. .......it was. It is a pack of 12 mini Ritter chocolate bars. Sigh. I've put them in my drawer at work along with the Aero bubbles I was bought right back at the beginning of CD.
My 3.5 stone bead arrived, which is good. It's got lots of little emeralds. I am going to start looking next week for a letter 'K' bead for when I get to 4 stone.
The trousers arrived from ebay. They aren't the same as the ones I have. Bum. They are too tight around the bum!!! I think they are around a stone and a half away so hopefully in 6 weeks they will fit.
Yes, I had my waxing!! It took around an hour and some bits were fine (backs of legs, sides of legs) some bits hurt a little and some bits did smart a fair bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The waxer was brilliant. I mean, really brilliant. She was warm, open and friendly. Nothing phased her and she was great. Same age as me and she really doesn't feel size is an issue for waxing. I can't believe the things I let her do to me!! 

I told OH that I'd been and he just shrugged. I went to bed around 12 and he promised he wouldn't fall asleep on the sofa (as he always does 7 nights a week). He got into bed at 5.50am after falling asleep on the sofa.......my current thoughts about him plus my general feelings generally mean I am going to have to be so careful I don't say 'sod it'. I won't do that, I know I won't. But I might get closer than I've been in the last 9 weeks and it is a bit scary.
Me and some colleagues were all given a small gift by someone as a 'thankyou' for helping them through a qualification they had done. All individually wrapped gifts. I thought - please don't let it be food related. .......it was. It is a pack of 12 mini Ritter chocolate bars. Sigh. I've put them in my drawer at work along with the Aero bubbles I was bought right back at the beginning of CD.
My 3.5 stone bead arrived, which is good. It's got lots of little emeralds. I am going to start looking next week for a letter 'K' bead for when I get to 4 stone.
The trousers arrived from ebay. They aren't the same as the ones I have. Bum. They are too tight around the bum!!! I think they are around a stone and a half away so hopefully in 6 weeks they will fit.
Yes, I had my waxing!! It took around an hour and some bits were fine (backs of legs, sides of legs) some bits hurt a little and some bits did smart a fair bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I told OH that I'd been and he just shrugged. I went to bed around 12 and he promised he wouldn't fall asleep on the sofa (as he always does 7 nights a week). He got into bed at 5.50am after falling asleep on the sofa.......my current thoughts about him plus my general feelings generally mean I am going to have to be so careful I don't say 'sod it'. I won't do that, I know I won't. But I might get closer than I've been in the last 9 weeks and it is a bit scary.