any sugar is fine to be honest, just use what you have in the cupboard. Dark brown sugar will affect the colour so normal white is probably the best. I'm all for using what's in the house rather than buying stuff in specially for something
Yes, have an early night, I seemed to spend the whole night last night having one long and very odd dream!!
I have a very sore throat today and don't feel 100% . Feel quite tired as well and it seems it's something going round at work.
I have 6 more weigh ins to my holiday. I need to stop the 'fear' feelings I always have before a holiday.
I worry myself stupid about the seatbelt......
For the last 3 years the plane seatbelt hasn't fitted by about 2 inches. The first 2 times (to holiday and back) I managed to 'hide' the fact it wasn't done up with my jumper whilst sat next to OH and neither time they didn't check. When I got back I bought a seat belt extender from America. I promised myself I'd never need it, I'd lose weight. About 6 weeks before each holiday (normally 2 a year) I'd start panicking as I'd lost nothing and try to lose a bit - I'd normally lose about 10 pounds. I'd measure seats in the house to try to replicate a plane seat and use string as the seat belt, I googled seat belt lengths and even found the length of the ones on the planes at the local airport.
Each holiday since I roll it up and put it in my handbag. I pray my bag isn't searched at the x-ray machine and it be brought out into the public area. OH doesn't know I have it. We always sit separately on the plane - he has always had to have the window seat and I say that if I sit on another row, we can both have the window seat. I ensure I'm a couple of rows back (not in front in case I'm challenged by the cabin crew and he wonders what the problem is) and I sneak it out of my bag, clip it together and hide the excess under my jumper/top. I ensure the buckle is on show when they do the cabin checks and have it done up really tight so it looks as if I am at the end of the normal seat belt even though the extender gives tonnes of room. Since the times they never really checked I've been asked twice if my belt is done up and I've shown it is. I think those 2 times I was very, very lucky as OH would have gone mad if they'd have found out the seatbelt was undone and given me one of the on-board extenders. As the one I have is black, it looks like the normal seat belt. It was all meticulously planned every time I flew, but I'd be panicking inside from going through check in to the second I know that 'final cabin checks' have been done and they were sat down themselves. It was horrible each time and really affected how I felt about going on holiday and then the flight home.
I have never told OH about it as he would be so, so, so disgusted. Seriously disgusted at me. The holiday in May was with a different airline (normally Ryanair where nothing is allocated but this time was FlyBe where you get specific seats) so I'd pre-booked the seats to ensure 2 different rows and told OH that is what had been allocated because I knew that if we took seats on check in they would be together. and I nearly had a panic attack getting on the plane. The seatbelts were grey, not black. I managed to hide the black part of the belt under my top successfully. On landing, I discretely unclip it and pop it back in my bag.
This holiday it should fit......I've lost 7 inches off my waist and also my hips. I wasn't 7 inches away from the seat belt fitting....I'm planning on sitting on the same row as OH in an aisle seat so we have the middle seat between us and I will be terrified that I'll be sat there next to him and it won't do up. Logically it will. In another 6 weigh -ins I should have lost another inch at least and I have to trust in the reality of what the tape measure now says and how 'short' it was last time (ie a couple of inches).
I am normally around 22 stone or a shade under when I go on holiday so really do need to convince myself that at a few pounds away from going to 18-stone 'something' will be fine.
I expect I'll still take the extender with me because of the fear

It will be the law of sod my handbag is searched........