Not started a diary yet will start one on Monday have just been jotting it down in a notebook but have been careful.
Thanks for the lovely warm welcome
my exercise regime has commenced, my shred30 dvd has come and I have just killed myself with the first level 20 minutes. By eck though it feels good afterwards, even better after a shower!!
Man 4th day in and I haven't actually stuck to plan once! Damn it. Tomorrow is going to be different. Grrr I annoy myself so much!!! Hope everyone else is doing better than me!![]()
I only just realised myself that I've been having 20 cashew nuts as a HExB on Extra Easy days when they only count as a HExB on Green! Doh!
I thought you could have any red/green HEX on an EE day?? I looked into it a while back cos I was worried about using oil as a HexB on red....xx
I wonder if anyone can comment on the weird feelings I keep getting. Its been maybe 10 years since I was below 11st and I seem to have a mental block or something...
Basically I get up and feel uneasy, like thinking "Oh my god....I'm doing something wrong on the diet...and maybe even if I *do* follow the diet it won't work....and maybe now I'm a stone away from my target the weight won't come off....and why does the wii scale say I'm a pound more...and maybe I should do red days now even though I've lost it all doing extra easy....and I didn't exersize enough, maybe I'll feel better if I do some exersize..." etc. etc. etc.
Sometimes its driving me a little bit crazy!!!
10st10lbs;2798995 YES. But it's all in your head! For a few mornings after I set my target with my consultant said:thinking[/I] I'm doing it right? What is right? Why don't I try red days? Why do I feel better about my losses when I don't eat meat? Should I be doing all green days? If I had done all green days from the beginning, would I be at target by now? Is my target even right? Some people are happy at the weight I started at, why am I not happy? Do they judge me for being smaller? Do I judge me for wanting to be smaller? Is this why I keep losing 0.5lbs each week? Will it really take another 11 weeks to get to 8st13? And then another 10 weeks to get to 8st8lbs? What if I start this new spinning class to tone up, and my weight increases again due to muscle? Or water retention? Or what if when I start uni again, the plan goes out of the window? What if people notice I don't eat anything from the canteen? Can I really afford to be picking up Tesco's prepacked melon boxes every day? Can I take lunches from home instead? But won't people look at me and think 'oh there's the weirdo with the lunchbox'?'
Just a teeny snippet (!) of the things that go on in my head. But all the worrying is totally pointless... unless there is a link between worrying and burning calories, in which case, we should all start worrying like mad!
The only thing I can't agree with you on is the weighing in at home every day thing. I just don't do it, I've only weighed myself twice other than at WIs, since I started SW. Once at my aunty's house to prove that her scales are bust, as I had just been weighed officially earlier that day, and the other time at home to try and set up the new WW scales with body fat analyser and all sorts of rubbish on it that my mum bought, that turned out faulty so we had to return it, THANK GOD! I thought Loki was in charge of scales?! And you're being a naughty naughty cheater by using the Wii scales! Let me tell you something - they LIE. Total lie. 10st10lbs - my starting weight. 9st7lbs - my Wii Fit starting weight. Ya see? Unless the board stays in exactly the same place, not even a mm of movement between use, the calibration gets messed up. You can't rely on the weights that displays, and you know already that your weight fluctuates by upto 3lbs (I think?) in a day. So why worry?! Unless of course (again), it burns calories?
If you want, share all your worries here... Like as I was typing mine out, I got all the answers in my head. And it's nice (weirdly enough) having them recorded here, so in a few months, I can look back at them and have a giggle at myself for all this pointless stressing out!
another good week for me 5.5lbs off!
wow well done why_d!! :clap:
Hathor and Ali, i have exactly the same crazy thoughts!! like, now i am 14st thats it, i cant lose any more, my bodys never been any less than 14st, im just gonna put it all back on again, etc and i think i have been sabotaging myself this week for that very reasonits unknown territory and its scary!! xx
another good week for me 5.5lbs off!
Hathor and Ali, i have exactly the same crazy thoughts!! like, now i am 14st thats it, i cant lose any more, my bodys never been any less than 14st, im just gonna put it all back on again, etc and i think i have been sabotaging myself this week for that very reasonits unknown territory and its scary!! xx
Phew! I thought I was alone in my madness!
You are right, there is no point stressing out - just follow the plan like I have before and it will work. (doh)
Loki has my bathroom scales, but there is still the wii fit. Its just too tempting to get onto the wii and do the weigh thing. Its getting me down though - especially after a super day and 1 hour on the wii only to be told I'd gained the next morning
I don't feel lighter this week, but surely we can't tell....its psychological.
Anyway, I've had lots of compliments recently due to seeing people who haven't seen me for a few weeks (they're like "wow you've lost lots of weight!") so I feel pretty good about it all. My mum is home from holiday on Wednesday and she has been away for 8 weeks so lets see what she says!
Thank you for the encouragement.
Well done everyone!
I don't think I've ever been so happy to report that I stayed the same this week! xxx
As I suspected, 1lb on. Ho hum.
I'm weighing in in about half an hour guys ... not feeling too confident, my period is 3 days late and I don't feel I've lost an ounce.
Post later ...![]()
As I suspected, 1lb on. Ho hum.
sure it's only a pound and you know it's not a true reflection... it'll just mean a bigger loss next week!
1.5 lbs off this week brings me to 1st stone in 4 weeks xxx