Dya know, I was SO sure I'd replied to all the recent posts on here but it turns out I haven't... maybe it was one of those days where I type out a whole bunch of stuff and then shut the screen down for some reason or another... Doh!
2lb off this week. Delighted as I'd plenty to drink on Saturday for our anniversary and * arrived yesterday!
So sure I said congratulations, well done, and you lucky sod! Hope it doesn't all catch up with you next week!

1lb off for me this week!
Yeahhh, and I remember saying WOW nearly half a stone off! Tell me how you do it! xxx
I'm just posting to update my bit of the list
Esellek - 7lbs to lose {please!} (2lb lost)
And here, I said 'maybe saying please works! I should really do the same

' xxx
Hello all, thanks for all the support and friendly welcome. My target for this week in September is to hit the 1 stone mark on Wednesday. Last Wednesday I needed 1 1/2 lbs to get there. I hope I will be able to go over but the most important thing for me is to get my 1 stone award to make me happy. fingers crossed!!!
love, Sab x
Hey you

Lovely to see you here, hope you get the 1.5lbs off this week

1 stone off is a huge motivator, makes you all itchy to get the next sticker! Best of luck hun xxx
Hehe stunner for uni, i wish aha. I gotta be very good all week now.

I wanted to be at target before uni started... not seeing that happening now! Hope you enjoy freshers and don't find it too hard to stick to plan when you're at uni... I think if you stay at home it'll be alright but if you move away, you just can't be bothered cooking! Or explaining to your mates why you want to make chips in the oven that take 45 mins rather than go to the chippy and pick up grease! xxx
Yay, 2lbs off! This weeks goal is 4lbs off - bringing me to the 1 stone mark, and only another 4lbs off 10lb September challenge target!
Jodie Leigh xxx
Well done Jodie Leigh! You really work hard for your losss, I hope you get the result you want this week

And if not, there's always next week

Forgot to update last week and stayed the same this week so 1.5lbs lose so far
Best of luck for next week hun, do you know why you STS or was it an unexpected one? xxx