The Princess Diaries ♥ 2014 will be the year I earn my crown (ok, Target badge)!

So exciting about the 11s!! They will def still be there tomorrow! Sounds like a lovely weekend babe! I see you're an Xfacor fan like myself! I literally can't watch it without treats! Held off dinner last night to have a fakeaway with it though which was just perfect! Actual takeaway the sat night though.. Oops! x
My God, I have such a craving for chocolate and sweet things today!! Just had a packet of mini party rings and a freddo, and I could still eat more!! By the time I have my takeout tomorrow night I will definitely be over my Syns for the week :confused: Although I guess one week should be okay? Starting to panic a little now...
My God, I have such a craving for chocolate and sweet things today!! Just had a packet of mini party rings and a freddo, and I could still eat more!! By the time I have my takeout tomorrow night I will definitely be over my Syns for the week :confused: Although I guess one week should be okay? Starting to panic a little now...

It happens hunny, sometimes we just need them more! Just try stick with it
You'll be ok! You'll be having your takeout after weigh in and although the Freddo/Party Rings does add up to 11, they're both physically light. It's not something to rely on by any means, but my consultant said that scientifically it takes 3 days for a large intake of food to turn into fat. So that's why people like me often get away with a binge the night before and such. I reckon youll be fine, bear in mind the maximum you can have is 105! x
Don't panic hun. It's not the end of the world.

You'll be a few syns over yes. A few. Not a million!

If you're having the excess syns after wi, then you have all week for them to get out of your body. Throw in an extra sesh of body magic and your sorted.

Your last few weeks have been quite low in syns so a high syn week will probably keep your body on your toes xx
Ahh, the voice(s) of reason as always! Not going to panic or overthink it too much, just going with the flow. I haven't eaten a great deal over the last few days, only 1 or 2 meals a day rather than my usual 3. So calorie wise I am probably down anyway and the extra Syns should make up for it.

So far I am up to 98 Syns for the week, and that's if I don't have any more tonight. So it will be tomorrows post-WI takeaway that will push me over. Not going to worry too much about it though or deprive myself from having it just for the sake of a few Syns. I will just cut back a few Syns from next weeks allowance to make up for it. I will still have a full week to put things right. And my Body Magic sessions should help too - going swimming again on Weds and really looking forward to it.

Thanks again ladies! xx
My God, I have such a craving for chocolate and sweet things today!! Just had a packet of mini party rings and a freddo, and I could still eat more!! By the time I have my takeout tomorrow night I will definitely be over my Syns for the week :confused: Although I guess one week should be okay? Starting to panic a little now...

When I get a choccy craving I have a lovely Belgian chocolate options or an orange/chocolate options. I have also been known to mix options into natural yoghurt or fromage frei for a legal chocolate mousse. Hits the spot for me. The other thing that hits the sweet taste buds is black figs.

You are so on track you will not allow yourself to spoil what you have done so far, so just turn a page and do what you do well.......Slimming World !!!!

big hugs xxxxxx
Only a pound til your next mini target too remember! I see that happening tomo ;) x
Good luck for you W.I.

Not long now to your consultants meeting either !!

hugs xxx
Thanks lovelies! Really hoping for 2lb off to get me in the 11's, but like I said last week I am starting to appreciate even the tiniest of losses more after my bad couple of months. I'll be happy with any loss :)

Oh yes, meeting is on Sunday!! I had almost forgotten. I only remembered it myself this morning. Will see how that goes!!

Will pop back later and let you know how I get on. Thanks again xxx
Fingers crossed for WI! Even if you don't see the 11s tonight, getting closer to your lowest weight would be amazing! I can't believe how close you are to that 3 stone award... :D

Plan has been pretty much out the window for me for the past few days but I have a renewed focus because...

...My OH proposed!!!

Things are super serious now - this has become a wedding diet! I've found out that the lovely woman from my group has become a consultant and her own group starts in Oct. I can't wait! You'll make a fab consultant too and if I wasn't in the deepest darkest south I'd come to your group any day! Good luck with the meeting.
The Princess Diaries ♥ - Round Two!!

Fingers crossed for WI! Even if you don't see the 11s tonight, getting closer to your lowest weight would be amazing! I can't believe how close you are to that 3 stone award... :D

Plan has been pretty much out the window for me for the past few days but I have a renewed focus because...

...My OH proposed!!!

Things are super serious now - this has become a wedding diet! I've found out that the lovely woman from my group has become a consultant and her own group starts in Oct. I can't wait! You'll make a fab consultant too and if I wasn't in the deepest darkest south I'd come to your group any day! Good luck with the meeting.

Congratulations!!! X
Fingers crossed for WI! Even if you don't see the 11s tonight, getting closer to your lowest weight would be amazing! I can't believe how close you are to that 3 stone award... :D

Plan has been pretty much out the window for me for the past few days but I have a renewed focus because...

...My OH proposed!!!

Things are super serious now - this has become a wedding diet! I've found out that the lovely woman from my group has become a consultant and her own group starts in Oct. I can't wait! You'll make a fab consultant too and if I wasn't in the deepest darkest south I'd come to your group any day! Good luck with the meeting.

Congrats hunny! I'm in the same boat I've had a recent proposal ;) although we won't be planing anything until probably 2016 as were buying a house first but need to get slim before Xmas and keep it off