Gold Member
Hey well done on your loss!!!!! hope you feel better soon xx
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Thanks my lovely xxx
Hey well done on your loss!!!!! hope you feel better soon xx
Sent from my GT-I9195 using mobile app
Hey lovely ladies I'm am going to the harvester for dinner tonight so was wandering if you could all suggest what's best to eat I've only a few syns left for the day although only used 3 yesterday so could in theory have a few more but want to keep it low, and I am on a red day no hxb left
Hey lovely ladies I'm am going to the harvester for dinner tonight so was wandering if you could all suggest what's best to eat I've only a few syns left for the day although only used 3 yesterday so could in theory have a few more but want to keep it low, and I am on a red day no hxb left
I'd have the half spit-roast chicken (remove all skin so it's free) as it's the tastiest, I reckon, and have it with piles of salad and a low syn sauce (like piri piri suggested above)
Enjoy xx
Oh, and just going to drop this into conversation here...have been trying to keep it quiet so as not to jinx myself, but those who have me on FB will have already seen. I have a new boyfriendHave known him years as we went to the same school, he was a couple of years above me. And he also knows my brother. Anyway, things are going really well so far, touch wood!! He's coming round tonight so a few cuddles in front of the box should make me feel better. Anyway, that's enough of that soppy stuff lol.
hey stevie...would you mind sharing your recipe for roasted red pepper hummus when you get a chance.
i've tried to use the thread search thingy and it's just NOT playing...maybe it's just me lol x
Hey hun. Dead easy!
I just roast a couple of red peppers in the oven with a little garlic and chilli. Chuck a can of chickpeas into a blender and blitz, along with the roasted peppers and some garlic granules. Add FF natural yogurt a little at a time to reach the desired texture. You can also add a squeeze of lemon juice for an extra zing! I do find that I have to get a spoon in the blender and keep giving it a really good mix between blitzing it, otherwise it ends up being partly very smooth and other bits with still whole chickpeas in.
It's really yum!! This makes me about 2 generous portions, maybe 3xx
thanks chick...i really want to give it a go so it's on my to do list
i've only got a hand blender...should be ok if i keep at it tho huh?x
I actually think it would be easier with a hand blender! I must invest in one of thosex
just made this's lovely
hand blending the chickpeas was...a challenge, and more than a few flew everywhere lol, but once i'd added the ff, it was easier
will def make it again (less runny next time lol) but there's loads!
bye bye planned red day, i'm all over this today! hehe x
I actually think it would be easier with a hand blender! I must invest in one of thosex
My God, I've definitely got the munchies this week!! Really struggling to stay within Syns as I'm just craving crisps and chocolate. Although I'm having the low Syn ones, I'm still having too many of them. I've used 72.5 Syns in the last 3 days alone :O Definitely going to have to try and reign it in a bit if I want my 3st award on Tues!