Kazzy: *woot!* So pleased

Especially as I hate sewing, my fingers felt like pincushions afterwards. You're right, there's always today to make up for Friday and Saturday, and at least I've only had two bad days, not the three there were last week.
abz: Yep, my wedding dress was made from scratch by my future MIL

One of my future SIL sewed bead dragonflies on, and I've finished stitching the rest of the bead detail. Makes it feel so special
Ellie: YES!! Yes it is!!! Like I said, I hate sewing, the amount of times I stabbed myself over yesterday... luckily I didn't bleed, I don't think blood splatters would look too good on the white dress...
Well, sun's shining, weather is glorious, and I'm sat in the kitchen, in my Hull City shirt, listening to the Hull vs. Man U match. For anyone out of football loop - probably because they don't care, but I'll explain anyway

- City is close to being knocked out of the Premiership league. If we win, we stay in. If we draw, we may survive, it depends on how Newcastle and Sunderland do too.
Anyway, having a better day today, and tea tonight is a buffet style thing, so I can serve myself, and avoid the quiches and coleslaw. If I eat vegan, then it'll be salad for me
Man U just scored
Got some more stuff to make bouquets with, so will get on with that while I listen.
Enjoy the long weekend!