Iris: Thanks for visiting sweetheart! Heh, believe me, the exercise endevours have really taken their tole, after doing the capoeira yesterday I ran today like John Wayne!! But I quite enjoy the moving, it definitely wakes me up in a morning

Oh now turning down treats from old people... that's even harder, I totally admire that! I know what you mean about the mind readjusting, I sometimes feel like a fraud too if I eat cake in public. I'm sure we'll change that mindset though
Frijj: Haha, oh bless ya Frijj! I doubt it, even if you run it slow and walk in parts you'll be way on the bottom end of sub-40 minutes. How are you planning to do it? And when is it? Good luck for it, RFL was how I got into running

It'll be half marathons before you know it!! Good luck for tomorrow too!
Yesterday, after doing capoeira, my brother asked if I could feel the burn. I'd been really cocky and said that I no longer ache after a workout, because I do a lot of exercise anyway. So wish I hadn't have said that now, because when I woke up this morning, my legs and backside *killed!* Went for the run, and limped the entire 7 miles! Think it helped to stretch out the muscles, but I didn't feel the benefit until about... half a mile towards the end!! Moving still hurts, so probably won't be running the 9 miles tomorrow, that I might have to save for Saturday. Instead I'm going to run a couple of errands on OH's borrowed bike, then return it to him and walk home. So that should cover about 5/6 miles without too much pressure on the body. Sunday's going to have to be a rest day, have another Champagne League race on tuesday, don't want to be out of shape for that!
Food's been fine. Had a little extra palmful of cereal at breakfast that I probably shouldn't have touched, but apart from that I hit target.
I'm really nervous about tomorrow... I've worked hard, so I just don't think I can bare to see the scale STS or go up. It would be such a bitter blow. The big thing not on my side is that TOM is over a week early, so that might mess things up. Of all the days, eh
Aside from the weigh in, biggest challenge tomorrow is not binging out on what was formally known as Fat Friday. I'm allowing myself one treat from the America box, but that's it. I might take it out tonight and close the box so I won't be tempted...
Good to all the Friday girls!