Clarri: Awesome! I studied animation at uni! See I'm the opposite; less of a fine artist, more character animation/illustration. Love to animate, always keep an eye out for jobs. Wish I was more proper artsy though, it always looks wonderful
abz: Thanks babe

And thank you thank you thank you for wearing granny pants! Haha, that sounds weird, but my bra's a plain white, strapless bra too. Got a nice thong though, but I would love a proper basque. But when I tried one of my old ones underneath, there was too much material and the dress didn't fit properly. Plus in hindsight, as it's 30degrees today, think we'd definitely fry!
Rori: Thanks mate

Yep, 4 weeks tomorrow!

Need to organise a few more things, but we'll get there. Probably.
Frijj: I used to hate running. When I was on the judo squad, I used to duck out of the training runs every time, and none of the coachs made a fuss, because they knew I couldn't hack it. I started gradually, running for 1 minute then walking for 2 in sets of 8. Then went up to running for 2, walking for 1, until I could run a straight 3 miles. And I've continued from there

I love it now! Distance is my real addiction!
Another unsuccessful weigh in: STS. Like I said in Friday thread, I hoped on the scales, and it was 64kgs. Thought "That's not right!" and hoped on again. 65kgs. So I said "Yep, you were definitely right first time scales!" And left it there...
I'd decided this last night, and requested it this morning. I spoke to my parents and told them I wouldn't be eating with them anymore, so I can proper count calories again and be a better weight for the wedding. They didn't mind - think I played it up to be a bigger thing than it was - so that's fine. I'm also going to stop my Fatty Fridays. After today, I'm going to have completely binge free weeks, no exceptions. As well as the running, I'm going to try exercise more, ideally every day, either on the cross trainer, weights, biking or rollerblading. And while on the subject of running, I'm going to retime them so at least two per week are in the morning, carry on increasing distance and start doing fartlek training again. Hills are good training too, but always find at least one on my routes.
Eating today has been awful, but tomorrow onwards I'm not having these binging days again. The fact that I always feel ashamed when I admit how rubbishy I eat on fridays means I know it's wrong. I also know it's incredibly unhealthy mentally and physically, so it's definitely something I need to scrap.
At least I went running today; 8.5 miles. Easier with iPod!
On the wedding front, even though I've not got the wedding skids I wanted, I might be getting the car I've wanted all along; my car. My car was left to me, and is a 1965 VW Beetle!! He's been left standing for a good 3/4 years, so needs charging and a serious MOT check, which we originally thought was going to take too long and cost too much. But we think we can do it reasonably cheaply, so if he's feeling OK once he's charged up, then I might get him afterall!!
Have a super sun-shiny friday everyone!