This Little Piggy Goes to Atkins

Would you believe it - apparently my friend should not have recruited anyone for the job, the family will do the recruiting! Found a job, lost a job, all in one day - gotta laugh!!
Well actually I think it might have been a lucky escape. It sounds as if there's alot of fighting between the family and their very rich friends who pay for the care. I'll soon find something else. Quite a funny one though!
how did the flourless orange cake go? nice? any chance of recipe? love the king of cakes, need a few more to try xx
Yes, the texture of the cake was good. It involved boiling 2 oranges for 30 mins then blitzing them and adding them to the mix. However, I find it rather bitter, presumably because of the pith. Next time I'm going to do the king cake, but swap the lemon zest and juice for orange.

Try that Tracey, it might be a little change. Especially with one of the fab Christmas creams I got in Sainsbury yesterday! Plum with rum, orange with grand marnier and one with champagne.
MINCE PIES!!!!!! How did you make them and approx how many carbs? :)

Ok, the mince pies. For the mince meat I put a pack of frozen forest fruits, and some rhubarb in a pan with orange zest and juice, lemon zest and juice, spices, sweetener and boiled that a bit. I also put in about a tablespoon of dried fruit just for effect really. Added suet which thickened it, faffed with spice etc until it was nice and added brandy.
I left that in a jar in the fridge, it sets nicely due to the suet.

For the cases I used one sheet of filo pastry, cut into 4 pieces. I got a muffin tin, put one square of filo in, overlapping the edges and put melted butter over to stop it burning. Then put another square in the hole again with butter. Cook that for 5 mins, then add mince meat and cook for a further 5 mins. 1 sheet of filo makes 2 pies.

The filling doesn't look at all like mince meat, but the taste is pretty similar.
Carb count for filo is about 2g, mince meat not exactly sure but I don't use much so I'm thinking around 4g for one entire pie, pastry and all.
I feel much better today. Dh feeling rotten though. Luckily we don't have to do a thing today, other than watching Christmas films.
Yesterday I boil washed the jeans that are too big. They fit just great now, so that saves me buying any more. I may dye the black ones now as they are a bit faded from the hot wash.
We had a lovely fry up for brunch, and I'll do butter chicken curry for tonight. I feel settled and happy today.
Yum butter chicken is my favourite - what time's dinner? :)

Can I also ask for another recipe, for the King of Cakes, this time? I did search the site but no joy - but am making sure I bookmark them Smiley so I won't keep on asking! :)
I've had a feeling down day today, some months this seems to happen immediately after totm finishes. Everything becomes 'oh woe is me' and I annoy myself!
Food wise I've either been ravenous or so full I feel sick. Hopefully things will sort themselves out tomorrow.

B clementine
L cheese, home made white cabbage & onion coleslaw
D beef casserole, broccoli, cauli mash
Then cheesecake (low carb).

Bought a few little presents today, and wrapped everything up. Started knitting my mum a fancy little scarf for her present.
Looking forward to sleep tonight, and a new day tomorrow.
What a misog old day! Haven't done too much, walked the dog, popped in to town, watching a Christmas film. Hard life! It's tolerable because oh doesn't go back to work til tonight, so there's someone to share it with. Tomorrow I'll study whilst he's sleeping, or I'll get bored.
The company I'm going to work for (eventually) have contacted me to meet sometime to make a plan for our future together, which is encouraging.

Food so far
B flax pancakes
L coleslaw, spinach, peppered salami
This sort of weather gets under my skin, makes me all restless and bored at the same time - so you're not alone hun xxx

Good news on the meeting though, and in the meantime get in that kitchen and work out some more lovely low carb stuff for us all! (just kidding, you've done plenty already :D)
Actually that would be a good way for me to while away some hours, Susie! I will probably make some whisky truffles for christmas. They won't be truly legal as they will contain alcohol, chocolate and double cream, but will be better than quality street!
Lower carb Christmas cake, with toasted almond & splenda marzipan.

