Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

My week wasn't too great either! Just draw a line under it :)
You and me both, new week, hope it's gone better?
Mmmm not exactly loooool. But I'm back on it again now. Sort of. Well I put sweetener in my coffee not sugar so that's a start! I'm so struggling horribly. Really really horribly struggling lol. I'm at the last sort of stage with the smoking, I'm a miserably grumpy cow from that!! It's really hard at the mo for some reason.
Don't beat yourself up about it, we've all been there! Giving up smoking is a HUGE deal and far harder than the calorie counting, so I take my hat off to you, give yourself some credit! You'll get back on track, I know you will. Even if all you do is stay where you are now whilst you go through the last stage with smoking and then get back on track with losing, at least you'll be able to focus on it. Just remember, we're all here for you whether it's going well or badly.
Definitely! Youre doing well to even be thinking about calories right now. Good luck with both!
I'm with Caroline and Bostik. Don't be hard on yourself, you are doing an amazing thing.
You know where we are when thigs get difficult :) xx
It's just never been so hard to diet before :( I'm used to it being fairly doable lol this is just impossible!!! Still I'm on track so far today so fingers crossed. I HAVE to shift this gain coz all my clothes are too small!!! Dammit!!!!
You've done it before, you'll do it again! Keep at it!
Day two in the calorie counting house and Tina comes to the diary room....

:) all good. Getting back on it now. I just need a good couple of weeks to get my head back in the game.

I'm planning tomorrows tea. I have chicken breasts and sugar snap peas that need using. Umming an aahing whether to go down the noodle stir frying type route or the garlic thyme roasted root veg front. I do have some parsnips but they will be good for a bit longer yet!! I am feeling noodly but I'm always starving an hour later :(

As you can tell I'm still at the food obsessed stage of my restart looool I had pork loin, wedges salad and coleslaw for tea tonight. Very yum but I'm missing my big slabs of meat! This palm of your hand rubbish sucks donkey balls.
Hahaha I know! I can't eat that little meat!

You're doing great. I'd go for noddles tomorrow, I am also feeling noodley, so might dabble in some myself tomorrow.

I am still food obssesed, so not sure it is just a starting back thing. I savour every moment I am eating, and can't get my head around the whole "eating for fuel" sh*t!! Don't think I ever will.

Keep up the good work chick!! :)
Lol @ us carnivores ;) nooooooodle night it is then. I shall load up on the beansprouts and maybe indulge in a can of water chestnuts. It's screaming chow mein to me!! Mmmmmmmmm
Sound like you're getting back on track well. I love stir fry, half the time I don't even bother adding noodles just lots of veg and then I can have a bit more meat in it!
Stir fry was lovely. I marinated my chicken in a bit of teriyaki sauce and lots of 5 spice then fried it off with garlic chilli an a splash of soy. Was yum even if I did get a bit carried away with the beansprouts an water chestnuts. Large bowls were needed lol.

Fancy a bit of gravy Tomoz so roast parsnips will be involved......

Diets going fine. Upping my cals a bit as I've been too strict. And need to up my water. Trying to behave till the 30th which is jamies birthday so pizza hut and cake!!!
Soooooo hungryyyyyy!!! My stomach is most upset to have missed breakfast :(

Tuna butty an a bag of French fries planned for lunch mmmmm just gotta hang in there!!
Sandwich for lunch for me too i think! You can hang in there!
I did do it but was utterly TORTURED by my so called mates who scarfed bloody FOOTLONGS from subway with all the trimmings :( I had a chicken 6 inch with lots of salad an NO crisps NO cookie and a diet coke :( actually I did have a cookie and some quavers but I gave them to my likkle adopted shadow ;) I'm enjoying being auntie neeeena lol. My billy boy loves his auntie neeena.

Tea was amazing. Pork loin, parsnips, new pots, broccoli corn gravy mmmmmmmmmm it was a huuuuuge plateful and I'm sure either MFP or my scales are wrong coz the cals seemed out but I'm not bovvered lol it was lovely!!

Lunch out tomorrow but there's an under 500 menu so I'm set. Blackened tuna salad yum yum!!!
Tea sounds fab, and so does tomorrows lunch. Keep at it chick, the scales will reward you. :) xx
Ugh just been reminded that I switched WI too Fridays so I can have a few weekend treatski's. (not this weekend tho lol it's a bit soon on the restart for treats!!!) Soooooo tomorrow is WI and..... Drum roll....... I have no idea what I weigh ;) not a sneaky peek since Monday when I got a start weight of 14st exactly. So as long as the scales read 13st something I will be a happy bunny. I think 13.11 as my guess. It feels like a decent water loss but not a crazy one? We shall seeeee!!!