Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

Been off plan rather horribly. I am a big fat chunk monkey goddammit. Quitting smoking has really screwed my weight loss :( it's almost 6 months since I quit so time to get a grip. Been back on it for a week and lost 4lb so I'm pleased. Doubt it'll be so much next week tho!!

Trying to ease in gently and kinda mix my CC with a healthy eating approach but its not really happened haha!! I'm back on MFP counting every little thing lol.
Hello my lovely. It's not been the same around here without you.

Glad your back, you know you can do this, and 4lbs in your first week is fabulous.

Onwards and downwards my friend, onwards and downwards!! :)
Welcome back :) you've done it before, you'll do it again :)
I'm thinking of starting a new diary thread. This one is so depressing when I read back :( im at least 30lbs heavier than last summer. Which is really not a great place to be. It's really gutting.
Maybe just reset your tickers and stuff. New start. New start weight. And just keep going down :)
I do need to reset everything. I just can't do it from my phone? Gotta actually crank up the PC when I get time.

Enough feeling sorry for myself!! I need to lose 30lb and it won't come off by moaning about it will it?? I liked myself at 175 so that's where we are aiming. How I've gained 30 in just under 6 months I don't know!! Well I do...... By being a greedy piggy who has apparently learnt NOTHING from all these years of slimming!!
Haha. Its brilliant that you've found where you're happy at. Can't wait for that :)
Yay I'm so glad that you're back! You'll get back on track soon enough, 4lbs is a fantastic loss! Sometimes a new diary is good I think, new start and all that.
Bostik said:
Haha. Its brilliant that you've found where you're happy at. Can't wait for that :)

Well.......as happy as I can get after 3 kids and heading into middle age!! When I get there again I shall buy shares in spanx and call it good loooool I cant maintain it any lower without doing far more exercise than I want to be doing!!
caroline g said:
Yay I'm so glad that you're back! You'll get back on track soon enough, 4lbs is a fantastic loss! Sometimes a new diary is good I think, new start and all that.

I like a new start :) but I think if I have a new diary I'm just brushing my mistakes under the carpet and not learning from them.
Whatever you decide we'll be here to support you. Just imagine, you could be 30lbs lighter by the summer!! :)
Today went like this

Breakfast....muller mini rice (busy)

Lunch...... Emergency low cal micro meal from freezer (too busy to shop)

Dinner...... Pre packed chicken in tomatoe an basil (I bought tea stuff from the corner shop) jacket, salad, full fat luxury coleslaw (Oooops) and a slice of lowlow.

Snacks.......Can't remember but I know I had a del monte duo mmmmm and an orange?

Only one water :( and three coffee haha I'm such an addict!!!

It all went wrong when I sneaked a big chunk of french stick!! No bread for a week meant my will was weak :( still under my upper cal limit tho so it's ok!!

Need to shop quite badly!!!!
Great to have you back!!!!

That's a fantastic achievement stopping smoking. If you have the willpower to crack that, then losing weight will be easy in comparison. Well done!!
You're still within your cals so that's all that matters! And I think you did a pretty good job of it yesterday anyway.
It's alllllll good as long as I'm within those cals ;) today is going good. My first graze came and was surprisingly yummy!! It just looked so pretty an tasty as well which was nice. And even if I lose all my control and scoff the lot it's just under 400 for the BOX.

Today so far..... Having been uber busy again!! I know it's not greatly nutritious but I'm stuck for ingredients lol

Breakfast......graze punnet ;) i had the fruit sundae which was utterly scrummy.
Lunch ...... Weight watchers curry from the spa shop again lol
Tea...... Ham omelette salad and luxury coleslaw ( the last of it thank crikey) and a few oven chips.

Sooooooooo need to SHOP!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm loving Graze at the minute. Gone off crisps really unless it's mega high cals like doritoes or pringles :p so graze is a yummier way to up my cals :)
Ooh I've not had any of those yet, you'll have to let me know how they are!