Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

Good luck! Im dreading my scales too! Spent two days eating waaay too many calories!
Your meals sound fantastic!
Your doing really well getting back on track. Good luck on the scales :)
:):):):):):) 13,8 Wooooooooooo I'm rather chuffed lol pity we can lose that every week tho eh ladies? Freaks me out when I think I've spent a whole month losing that before!!!!

Off to draw spots on some school shirts as we forgot it was pudsey today :( I am a terrible parent loooool.
Shazzabir said:
Your meals sound fantastic!
Your doing really well getting back on track. Good luck on the scales :)

Thankyou shazzabir :) I'm feeling really good today. It's been horribly difficult the last few months and I have loads of damage to fix!!!
Well done! :D
Mmmm a burger and half a bottle of baileys accidentally fell in my mouth last night......heeheeeeee. In my defence the burger was actually the best choice at the time! Not often I can say that but it was lol standard size not a quarter poubd beastie no Mayo no cheese lots of salad and not a frie in sight. Far better than a massive pizza I reckon!!

What possessed me to go on a drinking binge with possibly THE most calorific drink known to man.....I have no idea lol I've never even got drunk on Baileys before!! Didn't know it was possible PMSL
getting drunk on baileys? Wow, can't even imagine it.

Well done for making the right choice with the food. :) x
Haha drunk off baileys! Wow. You must have drank a lot :p
Looooool yep a LOT went down the hatch. Wasn't sloppy drunk just tiddly.

Had a horrid half hour of cigarette cravings meeting a serious sugar craving :( my own fault as thats obviously a reaction to the silly amount of sugar in a bottle of baileys! But I got thru it.

Note to self......morrisons low fat sausaaaaages are nasty. Do not buy again just spend the cals an have a decent banger!!!!
Pooh I don't half wanna just chill out and stuff my chops with yummies!!

I'm due on soon and shopping was a nightmare lol evil backache, no patience and there's tasty Xmas stuff everywhere I look!!! Stay out of aldi if you love all the german style chrissmassy stuff..... Lebuchken, chocolate marzipans, stollen, gluhwein, aaaaaaaahhhh it was torture :(

Just need to last till dinner time! A roast chicken and a roast gammon mmmmm we have both as we have visitors coming so I've done a choice. With garlic roasties, honey glazed parsnips, lots of green veg and three bags of yorkshires ;) I admit it....I don't make my own Yorkies!!!! And I can't have any anyway loooool as I'm the only one who eats the dark meat on the chicken I always get the two thighs!! No cals left after that for a Yorkshire......
Im always avoiding the mince pies when i go shopping! Dinner sounds yum!
Dinner sounds scrumptious!!!! Well done for avoiding all the goodies. Mega willpower needed for that. xx
Mega willpower died about half 7 last night :( I scoffed ice cream thinking 'oh a small bowl wont hurt!.......then along came sponge pudding an custard...... Then I decided that while I was being naughty I'd have some cheese as I always miss it when I'm dieting. So that was a good chunk with Melba toast and homemade pear and apple chutney :( epic fail of a day.

Don't dare look at the scales. But I'm very much struggling to get back to it today. It's always the bloody sugar!!! Once it's started I can't get it back under control :( :(

Having chicken salad sandwich for lunch and a beef curry with (gasp) basmati for tea!! Gonna try spicing the rice up an adding lots of veg to the curry as my beef needs to stretch round us all!! (big pack of thin cut lean beefsteak....kids having steaks and I'll strip an stir fry the rest for us)
I messed up last night too. Really struggling at the minute. Well get there though :)
Where've you disappeared to missy?