Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

I'm scared of my scales...... They say I've lost 0.75lb overnight......after eating all that yummies yesterday??? I doubt it!!! New batteries time I think. I'd
Happy birthday! And congrats on being an aunt! He's adorable :)
Missed you too much :) and think this place will motivate me to get my butt into this again!
Been a good girl today. Quite pleased with myself. Had my one day off and got back on the wagon ASAP with some exercise and a good food day :) check me out lol.

On a personal note I'm a bit upset :( my so called two best friends have really annoyed me over my birthday. I ALWAYS go to a lot of effort etc for theirs. It's not the money so much as the thought you put in? So I buy or make gifts that are personal. I've never missed a year.

They've not even bothered to phone me the naughty pair. It upsets me more as they are my surrogate family. I don't have parents and 99% of the family I do have left disowned me (long story.....I'm better off without them) so on birthdays etc I feel a bit orphaned. Both friends know this full well. And I don't expect them to drive over or anything but a phone call costs nothing!!! And a card in the post isnt hard to organise. I just felt very lonely this year. I know they're busy and ones just had a baby but still..... It's upset me.

I did have a nice birthday (thanks to hubby!!) so it's not really worth stressing over. I just don't like being taken for granted!!
I think you've got a right to be upset there. Especially if you do it for them. Just focus on the good time you did have though hun.
I really get why you are upset and I think you have a right to be. My best friend is like my family, I'm closer to him than anyone, so really know what you mean.
Glad hubbie made up for it though. Well done for jumping straight back on the wagon today xxx
I can totally understand why your upset. Don't let it get you down though. Pleased hubby and the kids gave you a great day. :)
Going to do a sneaky early weigh ...... I can't believe I got away with my birthday lol. I'm waiting for a delayed reaction half stone to Suddenly appear?!!!
Is that a loss? Could be right. Sometimes after a night where I've drank way too much i think im so gonna put on this week but end up losing. Think the body likes a shock lol
I can totally understand why you'd be upset by that and think you have a right to be. Did they call you late or anything?
caroline g said:
I can totally understand why you'd be upset by that and think you have a right to be. Did they call you late or anything?

Well one of them did turn up today for the picnic i planned and had forgotten.....with a lovely new necklace and a bracelet......so she is forgiven lol. The other not so much but she has just had a baby so I'll try not to be a brat!!!!

Been on the longest walk EVER today lol. Three hours!!!! Took my soup in a flask and had loadsa fun :) we went building again :) tepees this time not bridges!!! Then my friends boyfriend left a trail of note for the kids to find about three miles long!!!
Sounds like a good day :)
It was!! But I'm struggling as I'm really really sore from all the swimming this week :( my belly arms and shoulders mainly. Today's walk will have killed my legs too now haha there was a lot of hiking off the beaten track and scrambling over an up things!!! Think I'll have a rest tomorrow and just do some ironing.
Rest sounds good. Im still aching from the gym. Can't wait to get back though
It's a good ache though. The ache of the fat melting away!!! Love that feeling. xx
Squeezyweezy said:
It's a good ache though. The ache of the fat melting away!!! Love that feeling. xx

Excellent.....you can have mine lol. The ache not the fat!

Just got up (at 8am what a lazy bag I am) and discovered that there's such a thing as family only swimming at my local pool!!!! It's a 9 so I'm going to race round packing kits and drag the kids out. I'm excited as I think it'll be better for Jamie as ALL kids need to be accompanied by an adult. So no rowdy teens to make fun of him. You never know......daddy might come with! I doubt it as its his only day off so he's still in bed lol but stranger things have happened.

I actually woke up thinking about ways to get out and be active. Even thoigh i was groaning with muscle aches..........There's something seriously wrong with me!!!
Haha. Hope you have fun :)