Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

Asda :) just sitting there quietly on the shelf with all the other phillys. Also I fount minty muller lights. I don't eat yoghurt becUse it's revolting but the hubby got quite excited!!!

Have t done anything with the Philly but eat a bit off a spoon. Then I dunked a strawberry in it. It's so yum!!!!
Cannot wait!!!! Just looked on the tesco website and they have got it. Also in little mini pots. Yum yum!! :)
Ooh maybe I'll give it a try, minty yoghurt sounds amazing too! *makes a note for next shopping trip*
Bought the philly chocolate today. Dipped a spoonful out the minute I got in, delicious. Can't believe it's only 86 cals for 2 spoonfulls. :)
Hmm with all this raving about it, I might have to give it a try. How's your day been Tina?
So need to get some. I am imagining dipping strawberries in some....!!!! Actually imagination now running away with me....!!!!!! Possibilities are endless!
Today been a bit of an epic fail. Think the combination of TOTM and knowing I'll be over cals and having been so strict for almost two months.... has killed my willpower!!! Hoovered up far too much stuff. Did so well till 3pm then was just exhausted from TOTM being an evil one and stupidly, not eating enough all day to save cals for tea :( trying to tell myself.....it's done now. Just want to get this meal out over and done with. I feel a bit silly because it's such an issue. But I'm rubbish at balance!! I either DIET or eat like I don't when my next meal is. It's ludicrous.

Task for next few weeks....learn how to make a teat be just a treat and not an excuse to dive head first off the wagon for a day!!!!!
Oh and the minty yoghurt is despicable. Seriously......I heaved. I don't like yoghurt though so night be worth trying. All yoghurts taste like mouldy milk to me . YUCK!!!
I can't balance either hun. I have to stick to it 100%. I can have a take away because my man always phones them and I've told him to get me a half portion of whatever I order. I never used to finish a full portion, but I would force say 3-4 spoonfuls down past the 'I'm full stage'.

Oh I love yoghurt's and surprisingly enough WW's ones are really nice for 45cals. There mousses are gorgeous too!

TOTM is unfair. I really hate that we have a week of utter hell. And the week before makes you crave/binge stuff too. I can always tell when the witch is due. She's due start of march for me. I'm almost tempted to go beg my GP to have it all taken away lol.
Oooooh my poor head.......decided as I'd killed the diet anyway I'd have a drink. I don't really drink at all so 8 double baileys and two jägerbombs later it was dancing in the tables times haha!!!

! Didn't go to the all you can eat in the end. We went to a local pub to watch a Micheal buble tribute. Barrel of laughs and a really good steak dinner haha!!! It's always fun as one of our group is a Pink impersonator so she ended up singing during the interval and totally outclassed poor old mr bubble.

Scales show a 1lb gain. (did say 1.5 but I wiggled about a bit and got it down to 1 PMSL ) but I'm happy with that!!! It was totally worth every last ounce. I KNOW I had a good night as

A) husband is unimpressed with me this morning :) but not actually angry lol so I assume I rolled in late and loud but not at 4am needing carrying up to bed!!!

B) I have a whoooooole lot of video footage on the iPhone of some very very very inebriated school mums working the dance floor.

C) managed to get my mother in law totally tanked. It's only taken 15 years lol.
1lb gain.. probably come off pretty quick if your sensible and stick with the water :).

Lowest calorie drinks are things like shots and I was advised if I was going to have a drink, to have things like vodka and orange juice :).

A - My mans always like that with me too :D

B = I'd kill to see that!

C - wooooooohoooooooo!
Squeezyweezy said:
Sounds like an amazing night!!! Sod the gain! :) xxx

Exactly my sentiments. Just been and logged yesterday. PMSL it wouldn't have been too bad but for the evil baileys!!! Nearly 1000 cals in baileys Irish cream hahahahaha!!!!!! Love it. Might give up food entirely and just live off baileys and minimilks!!!
I reckon nights like that are worth it every once in a while!
Under cals today and not a bacon butty in sight. Probably not enough water tho. Need to glug a glug glug a lot more if I'm going to shift the after effects of those baileys :)
I really struggle with the water thing. Strangely, I do better when I'm at school because I make myself glug through a litre bottle at break and lunch so then know I just have to make it through another one in the evening but if I'm home, I don't end up drinking nearly as much. What day is your WI?
caroline g said:
I really struggle with the water thing. Strangely, I do better when I'm at school because I make myself glug through a litre bottle at break and lunch so then know I just have to make it through another one in the evening but if I'm home, I don't end up drinking nearly as much. What day is your WI?

Tomorow :) half pounds come off so the best I can hope for really is a STS. I'm cool with that!! Only trouble is its my birthday next week so I'll be wanting a day off then too!!! Looks like I may be STS for quite a while lol.

Got to get that water down my throat!!!!
As long as you enjoy it and have a great birthday, that's all that matters! You'll soon get losing again.