Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

caroline g said:
As long as you enjoy it and have a great birthday, that's all that matters! You'll soon get losing again.

I've only lost a stone so far. I could bang that back on in no time :( its just rubbish timing I suppose. Birthday, mothers days, Easter. All usually involving some kind of meal out!!! I'll not lose much in march/April at this rate lol

Feeling a bit deflated really. Really need to behave myself but I'm just so damn hungry today. It's proving difficult to resist the yummies. And I'm feeling grumpy. Planning soup and a roll for lunch as thats all ive got in till i shop.....but it never fills me up for long. So i'm starving now till 12. Will be starving again by 3 and clock watching till teatime again. It's a depressing thought!!!!
Come on, you can be strong.
I know what you mean about March/April being hard with lot's of things happening. We have to remember that this is a lifestyle choice that will involve the occasional meal out here and there.

I think the best thing you can do is be as could as you can, when you can. Do plenty of exercise and enjoy the meals out hen they happen :) xxx
Soup filled me up better than expected :) I splurged and had an extra half a wholemeal roll which helped. Been over the chase again with the kids :) no bridge building today but we did go too far and had to walk back through the woods in the dark!! Was really creepy as the girls kept singing little nursery rhymes and it was all a bit horror filmy!!!! Then we went deer spotting which was fab as my cousin was with us and her daughter had never seen one !!!

Dinner was really late lol but I'd luckily decided to roast the meat this morning so we had a quick knocked up roast dinner...... And a teeeeeny slice of fudge cake!!!! Oooops!!!
Sounds like you had a great night!! I try to stay away from Baileys, as I turn into a pig when I open the bottle, love the stuff!!!
Doesn't sound like too bad a day, I'm sure no damage was done and you had a nice walk aswell which would have burned a few calories.
Busy busy busy. Did aquafit today. Cals all fine. Bloody gain still won't go. Not sure why?? TOTM is over so it should be going?

In other news...... World autism awareness day is April the 2nd so I'm forcing my two kids school to do a lil event. Jamies school already mark the day. But the little kids school will hopefully be making a giant paper chain of little man shapes (the logo of the day is little coloured people shapes surrounding a globe) to go all around the hall. If every child makes one man we can join them all up. Bit worried as the want me to give a talk on autism awareness but I don't want to embarrass Sara as she gets a bit sensitive about her big bro!!
Maybe have a chat with her first so that she knows that you're going to do it? And explain to her that by you doing it, it'll help people understand why Jamie does things so it's a good thing and it might help other people too. I can understand why it would be hard for her though but think it would be great for you to do.
caroline g said:
Maybe have a chat with her first so that she knows that you're going to do it? And explain to her that by you doing it, it'll help people understand why Jamie does things so it's a good thing and it might help other people too. I can understand why it would be hard for her though but think it would be great for you to do.

It's more that he used to be in the classroom next door to her......when he was at his worst...... And getting temporary exclusions every time he came back to school. :( the boys in her year group were a bit mean. Not a lot. Just enough to make her really embarrassed when he kicks off in public. It's sad really. I might ask jamies best friends mom if she would do the talk instead. I think Sara would feel better with that.
The gain is finalky gooooooone. I'm 0.5lbs down from last Monday's WI. Just in time for my birthday tomorrow. Woooooo!!! If I can swing a STS on Monday I'll be happy with that!!!

Have only just realised for the first time in 31 years that every four years I have to wait a day extra for my birthday!!!! Jamie and joe pointed out that it would be today if it wasn't a leap year. How unfair is that?????? Hahahaaaa

Off to swim some laps and have a splash with my favourite toddler. Going to switch off with mum so everyone gets a work out and billy has ooooodles of fun!!
Yay!!! Enjoy your swim. As I was redaing I instantly thought that it should really be your birthday today!! How weird. You might have to wait an extra day, but at least it means that it won't be over this time tomorrow!!! :)
Squeezyweezy said:
Yay!!! Enjoy your swim. As I was redaing I instantly thought that it should really be your birthday today!! How weird. You might have to wait an extra day, but at least it means that it won't be over this time tomorrow!!! :)

Lol good point!!! My father in law has just pointed out that everyone else in the universe will technically also have to wait an extra day for their next birthday too haha. So I'll stop being a brat. Got my first pressie today off a lady I don't even really know!! Which was lovely of her. She's really lovely and is starting aquafit with us :)

Swim today left me all wobbly so rest day tomorrow even tho I had pondered doing an early swim to try and make up for birthday evilness!!! But it's my birthday sobim not going to be too strict!!!!
I have really bad munchies. Just really want to scoff the contents of the kitchen!!!!

Have evacuated upstairs with a glass of iced cherry Pepsi max.

And I have ear ache coming :(

Good news is that husband has vanished off on a suspiciously long trip to asda......apparently we need washing up liquid even tho I bought a bottle on Saturday........ This bodes well for my birthday lol

If I get washing up liquid I will not be amused tho!!!!
Yes hope you got something better than washing up liquid, lol. Hope you had a great birthday.
Sounds like a good idea. Must be difficult because on one hand you want to do it for Jamie's sake but on the other you don't for Sara's. Think that plan might be the way to make it work out best for everyone, I'm sure she'd do a great job of it.

Glad to see the 0.5lb gain is gone. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you have a great day.

Just ate the yummiest chicken tikka masala EVER!!! Don't usually have it as I'm not a massive fan? But it smelled delicious in the pub so I went for it. 874 cals on MFP so not as bad as it could be either!!! I'm utterly stuffed now though. It was massive!!!
Thanks for my birthday messages :) had a lovely day but I'm very very tired now !!! Jamie's been a bit excitable lol.

The kids bought me EA active sports for the wii bless them so I'll have to have a go with that ASAP. It's got a heart rate monitor and is all gadgety!!! They also bought me a half bottle of baileys with a special baileys glass. Joe says its my special booze drinking glass the little swine!!!

Everyone else bought me chocolate...... It's like the diet doesn't exist...... I've eaten a whole box of Terry's all gold with the kids today PMSL they ate most of em tho. The belgian dark chocolates I've kept as they are ok when I'm dieting and I'm giving the kids the rest!!!
Sounds like a great day hun, you deserved a bit of a break from the diet. You have been working so hard. Worry about it tomorrow, not that you'll need to with your new EA active sports and aqua fit!! :) xx