Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

I may actually die with tiredness. Been go go go go all day long and I've just sat down with a brew and gone all sleepy. Got Sunday dinner to cook yet lol.

In other news......I've dyed my hair again....and it's gone suspiciously black.......I bought a normal brown that was almost my natural colour as I only wanted to cover the grey.....and now I have a rather dramatic looking short black bob!!!
Squeezyweezy said:
Sounds sexylicious!!! :)

It is a bit......but the bloody grey will show through REALLY fast!!!! I'm only 31 but I have an alarming amount of grey!!

Im wanting to eat the contents of the fridge......... Not hungry so much as just munchy. Gonna put these kids to bed and climb in myself!! Safely tucked in away from temptation.
Sounds like you've had a busy couple of days, hope you've enjoyed it. Have you managed to avoid the fridge?
Apparently it is NOT all good. Weighing in TWO pounds heavier than friday morning...... For no reason!! I've had an active weekend. I've stuck to cals. I'm not amused. I wanted to have a loss to record for WI. I should have had the bloody fudge cake yesterday!!!!!
Ah that's ok then!
Oops I missed your post, we cross posted. The it's ok then was that you hit the freezer but you were still within your calories.

Nooo you were much better without the fudge cake! Well done resisting it. Do you normally weigh at this time of day? I weigh more first thing in the morning than an hour or two later, sometimes its a lb or two difference. Could be lots of things, the exercise, water retention, if you ate late last night some food may still be working through your digestive system. If there's no reason for it then it's not a real gain and it'll drop off in a day or two I'm sure.
I know :( but today 'official' weigh in :( and I've got a miserable half pound to show for all that exercising AND despite being sooooo well behaved over my birthday!!! Boooooo!!!!
Legomom said:
I know :( but today 'official' weigh in :( and I've got a miserable half pound to show for all that exercising AND despite being sooooo well behaved over my birthday!!! Boooooo!!!!

Hey stop complaining better than STS :( lol well done !
Husband has pointed out that I did at a biggish chunk of crackle from the top of the gammon joint yesterday. Very salty? So maybe it's water retention from that and my sore muscles. Coz there's no way I ate 9500 calories yesterday!!
Exercise really messes with the body, and although the science says we should have a bloody big loss because we have worked our socks off, sometime the body just rebels and takes time to start to show those losses.
Don't worry about it (easier said than done) next week will be different. :) xx
Meh!!! I'm over it now. It'll be fine. I spent the morning at the hospital with my neighbours son :( my likkle adoptobuddy has tonsilitus but his temp want coming down. He's ok and should be home tonight when they've got some fluids into him. But it was bloody scary this morning!!!

Back home simmering a giant turkey dopiaza..... Not strictly a dopiaza as I've added chick peas and peppers abd other tasty treats but it's looking good all the same!!! Having a big old calorie counted curry night with hubby tonight..... Omnnomnomnom!!! Naan AND poppadoms :)
Please excuse my awful spelling and grammar!! My touch screen keyboard is playing up and autocorrect keeps doing odd things when I'm not looking!!!
Sounds delicious :)
Just means that you'll have a nice big loss next week and anyway, a loss is a loss so well done! You're also back under a BMI of 30!
Hello I'm here to follow my diary is in the healthy eating section but I am cal counting so need all the support, how are you doing? How many cals are you on?