Tinytootz rant-and-involve-some-food diary

MUST be something in the air, me and OH fell out last night!

It all started in the pub when he said he could fit in my jeans. I was a bit put out, and my friend kinda blew it out, saying her husband would never say that, and how he shouldn't have said to me. She said he had overstepped the boundary, and his reply was so had I! I was a bit baffled, but apparently, I overstepped the line by asking him via text message about his daughter. The situation with her is very odd, and there is a lot I don't know, so I had asked a question. Not a nasty one, not a prying one. So we got back, he was cooking tea, and I was a little sulky about the whole jeans thing. He flounced out the house, so I decided to go to bed. He returned, asked why I was in bed, why wouldn't I eat the tea he made, then flounced into bed himself. He then blew up at me about his daughter, saying I should have asked in person, and that he would never ask such things via text. I pointed out that he ALWAYS asks me things via text, and that in person he rarely answers my questions. He then went all teenager on me, said he couldn't be bothered anymore with anything. I've found the best thing to do is to ignore him. He eventually softened, and apologised. He couldn't understand why I was so bothered about the jeans thing. And to be honest, I wasn't so bothered. But my friend kinda wound me up about it. But I did point out to him that I've come a long way, and it was a bit of a kick in the teeth. He says I'm perfect and shouldn't lose weight for him, but I told him it was for me, not him. He knows he has hurt me, and he knows that he was being basically unreasonable. I didn't do anything wrong, he just wanted some ammo to throw at me as he is stubborn, and when he has hurt me, he doesn't instantly apologise, he kinda digs himself further, then apologises later!

We made up. I'm usually a bit sensitive the next day, but I'm pretty sure I did no wrong, so the bad feeling is on his part. I'm not gonna make him suffer for it though, it was a silly argument. I'm a little hurt over the jeans thing, but I've made my point, said my part, time to move on. My friend also fell out with her fella last night too! Wish I could blame the drink, but I had 1/2 bottle of wine over 3 hours, OH had one pint, she had over a bottle......

Anyway, yeah, the git fits in my jeans. Size 14.
Sorry to hear you fell out, but glad you made up too!
And if it makes you feel any better I'm pretty sure my hubby could fit into all my clothes quite easily (luckily he hasn't tried!!)
You know men can be unintentionally insensitive about weight - they don't mean anything by it and probably don't even realise what they said was wrong. Doesn't stop us getting wound up by it though!
Day 54: 13/7/11

No idea why I ate the sausage roll yesterday, I didn't even enjoy it! Oh well

Cheerios - 5
Milk - HE

I have a friend coming round at some point today, so better have a quickish lunch, unless I know the time between then and now :D

Pasta pack

Going to attempt the SW donner kebab! Will serve with WM pitta - HE, salad and will do some chips or wedges. Hope it tastes as good as it sounds!

Donner meat
WM pitta - HE
Salad (lettuce, beetroot, tomatoes, spring onions)
Blobs of mayo - 3

Sticky toffee pudding. Right, the whole tiny pot is 16 syns! OH LOVES sticky toffee pudding, so if we have them tonight, he is having half of mine. Therefore, my bit is 8 syns :) We also have some Ambrosia low fat custard in, 4.5 syns for 100g, so if I have a couple of dessert spoons of it, looking at about 50g (I will weigh it and change if need be) - 2 syns.

*didn't have the pudding, but keeping it there are reference :)

77.5 syns, 8 syns used, 69.5 syns left
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Aye, it was a minor fall out really, one of those times when everything was blown out of proportion, neither would back down, so we just calmed down and got over it. Well, I did. I know he still feels bad about it. Not the fact he fits in my jeans, but that he hurt me and was behaving like a brat.

Really, its no wonder he can fit in. Men don't have hips, or big bums, or any of our sticky out bits, so I guess its normal. At least they weren't falling off him!
Scary thing is my hubby's jeans are a wee bit tight onme and he is overweight! That's not good is it? Sounds like a nasty row that you both need to try and forget about. Were all on the right path and that's what counts. Xx
Perhaps I have low standards, but to me, it wasn't that nasty, just two people being overly sensitive and stubborn :D He is still feeling bad about it, saying bla bla bla I think I should go bla bla bla I make you unhappy. So I pointed out that I tell him I love him nearly every day, that he makes me happy, so there isn't a lot else I can do really! He is more of a drama queen than me, bless him. After my last relationship, I've taken the attitude of that obviously I don't want him to go, but if he does, then there is life afterwards, and that it is HIS loss. I know it's a negative outlook, but I can't let him be the absolute core of me. I did that before, and man, when he went, I was screwed!
Haha, just been talking to my friend who I go out with on Tuesdays. She fell out with her husband last night, and he behaved in the exact same way - I don't make you happy, you'd be better off without me, and he also flounced out the house on his motorbike. Amused me, as I wonder if they did it at the exact same time, that would be spooky! She reacts different though, she gets annoyed when he acts like that, I ignore him as no matter how I reply, it wouldn't help!

Don't like the idea of him being at work though, with a silly fight festering in his mind, so I'll do a nice tea of SW donner, and be nice to him, make him feel more secure. He even took his birthday cards down in a huff, silly sod.
I've made it before - it's really good. I'm not that keen on real donners, too greasy for me. But this is gorgeous with all the spices. Have to say when I made it, me and hubby scoffed the lot (4 portions) between us so don't expect leftovers if you're the same
It's in the oven, didn't realise it took so long to cook. Bit worried I haven't compressed it together enough, but hopefully it will be fine. Looks like it will do the two of us just fine, OH eats like a horse with worms!
Don't worry if you haven't compressed it enough, I'm sure it will be delicious even if a little crumbly!
The 500g makes quite a smallish one, smaller than a regular loaf tin. But it rolled up fine. Just eaten it. Verdict....

Was nice, a little dry with the pitta too. Would be lovely with some kinda tomatoey sauce over it though. I'd do it again, think OH liked it, but he wasn't very hungry so the dog got the couple of leftover pieces.
Glad you enjoyed. I think I made a syn free minty yoghurt to go with when I made it so maybe that's an idea for next time (told you I had an issue with dry food!).
Well done for resisting the sticky toffee pud!
I'm usually ok with dry food, but this was proper stick-to-your-throat dry food. Did have a few blobs of yoghurty minty mayo stuff
OH doesn't understand how I can be on a diet!

Are you eating less calories - no
Are you eating less - no
Are you avoiding carbs - no
Are you on laxatives - no

Well, you can't be on a diet then! He also flippantly said last night that he thought I was bulimic. Men, he just doesn't get it. He is another diet = salad brigade member. And as for the bulimia, he is being plain silly.