I *seem* to have done ok with my syns this week. The takeaway on Thursday wasn't so bad, the Subway on Friday and the BBQ wasn't so bad, and I'll be 100% on plan Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I know I possibly shouldn't have used a HE for the subway roll, but it was the only sorta carby one I had, and even if I can't, then I guess I can afford the extra 6 syns. The chicken from the takeaway was yum, but there was far too much, but it is doing me for another 2 lunches, and the dog has had some too (both OH and me had the same, and he left some too).
Me and OH fell out again yesterday. He was being a git all day, and for once, I snapped. I usually take the calm approach, but I couldn't stomach it. He says he isn't good enough for me, and that I should find someone else. It's all a bit self pitying really. He is such a stubborn so-and-so (rant ahead!)
So we bicker in town, so I drive us to Tesco as I have some stuff to pick up. Pretty much all day, he picks at all that I do. We walked up town, but I didn't go in any shops as we fell out. He then says how he could have done with going in shops. At Tesco, I parked too far away from the shop. Other stuff went on, including a subway, then we went to see his daughter. Whilst there, he was looking at stuff online, and I asked if he wanted to go to the town where it was, and no reply. So he sat next to me, I asked him again, no reply, so I went up the garden to look at the birds. He then decided we were to go, and he said he wanted to go to the next town that I had mentioned, but because I had gone up the garden, it was too late. So I shouted at him, and he flung himself out the car and stormed off up the road. I then went to the nearby supermarket, and loan behold, I get a text - where are you. So I tell him, and he walks there. He then informs me that I was to drop him off to do a job he needed to, then go home. This didn't happen. He also said he wouldn't come to my parents for the BBQ. So I drove us both back to my parents. He got out the car and said he was walking. I said fine. He made it to the top of the drive, then came back. We sat and enjoyed the BBQ then went home. He was still being stroppy, trying to get the upper hand. Finally got to sleep at about 12, after him flouncing out with the dog, then flouncing downstairs to watch TV and several other acts.
He is full of apologies this morning, and informs me that it is because he thinks he isn't good enough for me, and that I want more. So I sent a long winded message informing him that this isn't the case, and am now getting on with the day. I just can't be arsed with the strops. I think it is typical male behaviour, but when combined with his stubborn-ness, it can be epic. 90% of the time we get on amazing, and 10 days together really wasn't that bad. It's the 10% that sucks. But then, nobody is perfect. He doesn't hurt me physically or mentally (well, not really), he doesn't cheat, he is very caring and loving 90% of the time. So I guess I either put up with the 10%, try and fix the 10% (but not sure I can), or leave him due to 10%. I lay in bed last night mentally preparing for the latter option. It hurt, but I know I could get through it if need be. But I am not prepared to go through it. Stupidly, I think he is, to use a cliche, "the one". I don't have blinkers on this time, and I am more open with the people around me about what is going on (previously, everyone thought it was rosy, but it wasn't). So yeah. It's down in print now. Which usually means its out of my mind for a bit.
Sorry to anyone who reads that!