Do you know what the problem with diet plans like SW and WW is?? So called "free foods".... Seriously, this has been where Ive always been caught out with dieting previously. For most people trying to lose weight, all we want to do is feel satisfied, not deprived and eat what we like. In order to lure people into the diet world, these big "caring" diet companies do their homework and realise this, so they offer plans that have "free" foods...... For the majority, this is like telling a heroin addict that they can have as much methadone as they want...... its wrong.... Ive been there done that, gorged on all the free foods inbetween my "good" counted meals, and then been so disappointed at my losses.....
Its all about eating good nutritious foods when you are hungry..... only. Not trying to fill a void inbetween with anything... Eating high sugar processed foods is going to send your body into a spiral. Eat foods as near to its natural state as possible. Eat GOOD carbs, stay away from white foods... Everyone who has a weight problem, if asked will most likely say its because they love food too much...... no, we dont, and until a few months ago, I said the same, but I didnt, I ate crap, shoved it in, never tasted it, and ate it for the sake of it. I now eat beautiful, real food, food that has taste, food that really fills me up, that I can eat with my family, not trying to cook a separate meal where I end up sneaking some of theirs anyway because its what I really want, but I can have more of the tasteless stuff that Ive cooked... Since Ive realised this, with the help of Slimpods, and let go of the shackles of diet foods and diet head, Ive turned my whole thinking around. Now, I eat 3 small meals a day, protein based, with a little bit of carbs, I have one snack, usually desserty but its "OMG" SHOCK HORROR, full fat greek yogurt!!! a great source of protein with some berries..... sweet tooth, sorted.
So anyone struggling on a diet, review what you are doing.... you dont need to struggle, you need to feed your body properly with good proper food... You need to REALLY love food, not abuse yourself with it... If you keep forcing yourself to eat foods that you dont really want to, you are setting yourself up to fail.
Seriously, since I worked all this out, the stress is gone. Im going to get to where I want to get, because Ive stopped "dieting", Im just eating good food, in smaller amounts, and keeping a tally on MFP because I dont quite trust myself yet, but that will come when Im further along the road. This is about living, and no one can diet for life.... I tried for 20 years, and Im still the same weight..... Change how you think, get where you want to get.