Tough love - off topic and chit-chat

Hope it goes ok, Sparty x
Loolahoop, I thought I'd address you lack of motivation over here.

I looked at your stats and it seems to me that you're about 6 months in and this makes you perfect for a loss in motivation. It's been a while since you started, you're inching towards your goal but the pressing urgency of the beginning and the steady, big losses that came with it have gone. And with it, so has some of your enthusiasm and motivation. I suspect you are going through the motions right now, but that your heart isn't necessarily in it. And this is where we have to be careful but this is where you will start mucking up or even worse... giving up.

The first thing I would do is sit down and write down a big list of reasons as to why you're doing this. I did this, this past Sunday- I wrote down TWENTY TWO solid reasons that I am eating healthily, losing weight and exercising. I am reading these twice a day, before breakfast and before bed to reinforce my motivation. Then, plan your week. Plan everything you are going to eat, exercise you are going to do and stick with it.

If you do this, I know you'll have a great result the week after which should hopefully make you feel more motivated!

Also, see if there are any more activities for you to do or switch something up even if it's listening to some awesome music whilst going for a walk or whatever. Motivate yourself in some way- the options are limitless!
Stick with it loolahoop - u will get there in the end so don't give up!! Try out some new recipes - that always helps me when I feel stuck in a rut.

Thanks everyone for the support - it was horrible and I did have to have the treatment so no exercise for me except walking for a while. It's quite painful right now so nothing for a few days but I'm gonna stick to the diet and go walking as soon as I feel up to it!
Loola, you are doing really well. I think this may have someting to do with your staying the same last week as well. Look at it this way - the kids are back at school, and you need to go 'back to school' as well. It is no wonder with such a busy summer that you have got a bit waylaid (not excusing it mind!) but come on, you aren't there yet. There is still work to do - you have come so far, you deserve to be 'thin' not just 'OK'. So suck it up, have just the one 100% week - a nice loss now would make you feel motivated all over again. C'mon, you can do it.
Hi Sparty - feet up for you chuck. Take it easy. xx
That sounds like me!

I definitely identify with that too. One of the hardest parts about this journey for me is facing up to the fact that 'being fat' isn't my issue, having an unhealthy relationship with food is. And once I conquer that quite a few things will fall in to place.

I get frustrated with ignorant people who assume losing weight is easy- it isn't, it's an extreme psychological battle and the reason 95% of people put back on all or some of the weight is because people think Diet and Exercise solve the whole thing. It doesn't. Next year, Compulsive Eating and Binge Eating disorders should make it in to to the American Journal of Mental Health (or something like that) which means they will be classified actual diseases, alongside Bulimia and Anorexia. I think this is great news and I really hope that it means that people who need it will get the help they need.

In a personal thing, this week, I started using 'The Beck Diet Solution Book'. (You have this book too, right Lou?!) I was really interested in the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy aspect as, like I said, I have 'food issues' I want to deal with. I have been doing my daily tasks and so far have found them really helpful. On the first day, I wrote down all my reasons for losing weight and now I read them twice a day, the second day I investigated a 2nd diet so that if CCing stops working for me at any point I have something else to try, the third day, I ate sitting down (and have eaten everything sitting down since), Day 4 I gave myself credit for doing the things I do and Day 5, I started eating slowly. I am timing my meals in an effort to slow myself down as I have always eaten pretty quickly.

I know it sounds a bit gimmicky, but it's really helpful to have little tasks to do daily and to make minor changes in my thinking. I am trying very hard conciously when I think of unhealthy choices to think 'I am glad I am not eating that as it will make my loss smaller this week' as opposed to 'I want that, it's so unfair I can't eat it'. I'll be doing things over six weeks so I'll let you know how it goes.

Anyway, Day Six is to find a Diet Coach or support group you can discuss your issues and successes with and to get you back on track. I think I'm pretty lucky as I don't need to find one: I've got you lot :D I really appreciate being part of this group and you all help me so much and I'll hope you continue to do so.

I hope you all have productive, healthy and enjoyable weekends. ^_^
first of all i would like to apologise! especially to u rod! i have no idea what came over me yesterday,i was just so fed up n emotional - which actually isnt like me at all! and i even cried!! :eek: but i just wanted to give up, not because i wanted any particular food, just was thinking whats the point?! then last night mother nature made an extremely unscheduled appearance! so i can only assume that is why! lol

thanks for the replies though guys :) i think that sometimes i just concentrate too much on how far i have to go n it seems like an eternity away, and i know i have lost weight, but i cant see it, i know my clothes are smaller, froma 16 to pretty much a 12, but i just look huge when i look in the mirror, but again like i said with mother nature turingin up unexpectedly i was/am quite bloated anyways so that prob didnt help yesterday :rolleyes:

thanks FL i love having a reason why things are happening, knowing that what im feeling is normal helps massively for me to get over it lol! - if that makes sense?
sparty, thankyou :) and yeh i think i may even change plans to green days for a week, just for a change and to keep it fresh in my head and so i have to try new recipes lol, make sure u rest though! need to look after urself, exercise will be doable a lot quicker if u rest and get urself better :)
bonnie, again thankyou :) yep i am gonna be thin! and i am gonna get a loss this week! i cant not, been doing even more walking, carrying on with the running and i havent gone over 1200 cals yet! i know its lady fun week, but that has never stopped me loosing before!

FL i do believe that people that cant stop eating aresometimes just as ill as those with bulimia and anorexia too, as u may know i suffered with bulimia years ago, and went through CBT and wwhat not, and it helped massively with the laxative abuse and the over exercising and starving/binging/purging cycle but even though i was "cured" of these things i couldnt stop the binging, so went from having a BMI of 20 to a BMI of 30 relatively quickly! and then trying milkshake diets, with some success, but then not knowing what to do after that and carrying on with the binging again so then the weight obviously all went back on!
thats why i love SW though, for me its as much as an education as a diet n weight loss plan, and the change in my head has been the biggest change of all! which is what i am most pleased with :)
Glad you are back in the headspace Loola, can't wait to see your lovely big loss this week. How are you after your op Sparty?

I am off to the spa today for a day with my mumsy. Have a full body massage booked and really feel like I need it after all that running. Never had one before (tried but ended up in a room with this woman putting hot bags of herbs all over me instead) so hoping it will sort out my knots. Nice to feel like i have earned it for once in my life! Have a good day everyone.

P.s FL I am SO with you on the choice thing. I read a book called 'the power is in you' (or something cheesy like that) and it really helped. It is the difference between saying 'Boo I have to go to work' and 'I don't have to go to work, but I am choosing to do it because I want to pay my bills'. It does hand the power back to you. Gosh how american...
first of all i would like to apologise! especially to u rod! i have no idea what came over me yesterday,i was just so fed up n emotional - which actually isnt like me at all! and i even cried!! :eek: but i just wanted to give up, not because i wanted any particular food, just was thinking whats the point?! then last night mother nature made an extremely unscheduled appearance! so i can only assume that is why! lol

thanks for the replies though guys :) i think that sometimes i just concentrate too much on how far i have to go n it seems like an eternity away, and i know i have lost weight, but i cant see it, i know my clothes are smaller, froma 16 to pretty much a 12, but i just look huge when i look in the mirror, but again like i said with mother nature turingin up unexpectedly i was/am quite bloated anyways so that prob didnt help yesterday :rolleyes:

thanks FL i love having a reason why things are happening, knowing that what im feeling is normal helps massively for me to get over it lol! - if that makes sense?
sparty, thankyou :) and yeh i think i may even change plans to green days for a week, just for a change and to keep it fresh in my head and so i have to try new recipes lol, make sure u rest though! need to look after urself, exercise will be doable a lot quicker if u rest and get urself better :)
bonnie, again thankyou :) yep i am gonna be thin! and i am gonna get a loss this week! i cant not, been doing even more walking, carrying on with the running and i havent gone over 1200 cals yet! i know its lady fun week, but that has never stopped me loosing before!

FL i do believe that people that cant stop eating aresometimes just as ill as those with bulimia and anorexia too, as u may know i suffered with bulimia years ago, and went through CBT and wwhat not, and it helped massively with the laxative abuse and the over exercising and starving/binging/purging cycle but even though i was "cured" of these things i couldnt stop the binging, so went from having a BMI of 20 to a BMI of 30 relatively quickly! and then trying milkshake diets, with some success, but then not knowing what to do after that and carrying on with the binging again so then the weight obviously all went back on!
thats why i love SW though, for me its as much as an education as a diet n weight loss plan, and the change in my head has been the biggest change of all! which is what i am most pleased with :)

Glad to see you can feel much more positive. I know what it can be like with the hormones- sometimes things that make no sense are seriously overwhelming! :) It happens!

I definitely think changing your thinking is the most important aspect of weightloss. It's one of the reasons I love the TL approach so much, it's because it doesn't allow you to think like you used to. It helps you make a change by being honest and forcing you to think about things differently instead of using the the same excuses that got you into this mess in the first place! :)

Glad you are back in the headspace Loola, can't wait to see your lovely big loss this week. How are you after your op Sparty?

I am off to the spa today for a day with my mumsy. Have a full body massage booked and really feel like I need it after all that running. Never had one before (tried but ended up in a room with this woman putting hot bags of herbs all over me instead) so hoping it will sort out my knots. Nice to feel like i have earned it for once in my life! Have a good day everyone.

P.s FL I am SO with you on the choice thing. I read a book called 'the power is in you' (or something cheesy like that) and it really helped. It is the difference between saying 'Boo I have to go to work' and 'I don't have to go to work, but I am choosing to do it because I want to pay my bills'. It does hand the power back to you. Gosh how american...

Have an awesome day at the Spa Bonnie! Sounds like you definitely deserve it.

Yeah, it's all a bit cheesy but a little positivity goes a long way. :D
Morning ladies (and boys if you are lurking). I'm feeling much better today although I am keeping the pain killers handy just in case. I had to have part of my cervix removed so it's mainly period type cramps but just a lot stronger (ladies will feel for me lol) and a bit of bleeding. Not very nice but it should start feeling better in the next day or two though so I am going to start doing a bit of walking on Monday :)

Loola I'm glad ur feeling more positive - amazing how our hormones can make us crazy women and we don't even realise it!!!
glad ur feeling good (well as u can be!) sparty, and i deffo feel for you :( cant be very nice at all.

thanks for the kinds words too guys, still not feeling the the most motivated, but i know why i feel like this so i know it will pass, just gotta suck it up and get on with it lol, was supposed to be going out for run tonight but hubby gone on a last minute stag do, so no leaving the house for me :( gonna have a go on my ab circle while watching some tv gotta be better than nothing! lol
Get well soon Sparty! Take is easy for a few days on the exercise front! :)

There's always something to do in the house- even cleaning and sorting burns calories! Speaking of which, my flat is a state so I bet go and sort it ;)
Morning all

I have just signed up at work to walk 10,000 steps per day for 50 days! This should help address my lack of exercise issue unti I can go back to boot camp!
Hmmm....the app I had to download for the work thing reckons I did 15000 steps on the train home!!! I think not!

Back to calculating miles methinks!!